Chapter sixteen Jimmy's More Important

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Chapter sixteen

Jimmy’s More Important 

The elevator doors parted, revealing the well tend to hallway. I shoved my hand in my pockets and walked to Luke’s door. My stomach twisted at the thought of what I had to do after today. This would be my last time with Luke and for some reason I felt a little upset about it. 

I knocked, still hating myself for feeling this way. I shouldn’t care this much about some playboy. The door opened and Luke’s smiling face appeared. “Hey.” He took me in his arms and hugged me tightly. “Come in.” He ushered me inside and closed the door. 

I felt guilty for doing this; I felt guilty for being here. Jimmy needed me. 

“So what-”

I launched myself at him and attacked his mouth. He quickly responded and shoved his tongue in my mouth. I wrestled with it, wanting more of him. Tonight, I had to get Luke out of my system. That probably why I was having this weird feeling. I just needed to have sex one last time with him and then I’d be alright. 

Our kiss broke, and I was already breathing hard as I struggled to get his shirt unbuttoned.

“You’re really in the mood tonight.”

I kissed him hard again before forgetting the buttons and just ripping his shirt open. I licked his chest as my fingers dug into his back. This wasn’t enough I had to have more of him.

“Calm down,” he whispered in my ear. “I’m not going anywhere.”

“I want you now,” I replied, pushing him toward the bedroom.

A smirk appeared on Luke’s face as he picked me up and carried me the rest of the way. I wrapped my legs around his waist and continued sucking on his neck. He tossed me on the bed, but the moment he was in reach, I climb back on him and started undoing his belt. 

“Gav, Gav.” He grabbed my hands and pinned them together. “Relax a little.”

I disregarded his comment and went back to kissing his neck and face. “I want you,” I muttered.

“You can have me, but,” he pulled me to him and hugged me tightly, so I couldn’t pull back, “calm down first.”

I gasped for air, clinging to him. What wrong with me? I buried my face in his shoulder. I just need to have sex. Get everything out, and then I’ll be fine. Jimmy’s more important. 

“Please,” I whispered. “Please take me.”

Luke gave me a light peck on the lips before gently laying me down. “Don’t move. We’re going to do this slow.”

I nodded and watched as he unbuttoned my pants and slid them down my legs. I didn’t move much as he undressed me. Lying naked on the bed, I waited for him to take the rest of his clothes off. It was take all my self control not to throw myself at him again. 

“Please Lu-”

He leaned forward and place a finger to my lips. “Patience. You’ll get what you want after I get what I want.” His tongue flicked out, and he licked a trail down my chest. 

Luke took me into his mouth, making me gasp. My back arched off the bed as he work my length. The pleasure was getting to be too much, and I didn’t want to cum from a blow job. 

“Oh God, Luke,” I moaned, clutching the bedspread. “Please fuck me. Fuck me now.”

He came back up to my level. “Sh…” 

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