"I'm joining the order of Phoenix." She said quietly.

This fucking girl.

I've heard about the order of Phoenix. They fight against Voldemort and half of the old order died in the last war.

"No. You can't put yourself in that kind of danger." Snape said standing up.

Before Gemini could answer students started piling in. She rolled her eyes at him and then walked over to sit next to me.

"Hi." She breathed out annoyed.

"Order of Phoenix huh?" I said to her raising an eyebrow.

She smiled slightly before pulling out her textbook and flipping to the page that was on the board.

"I want to fight back." She said quietly.

I shook my head with a slight laugh. "You're 15 Gemini don't fight back."

"I turn 16 soon. I'll be fine." She said back to me and put her hand on my thigh reassuringly.

"Until you die." I scoffed.

"Ya no that won't happen." She said as she read her textbook.

"Why is that?" I said looking at her although she wasn't looking back at me.

"I can't tell you. Not yet at least." She said playing with the strands of her hair.

Before I could reply Professor Snape started speaking to the class about our assignment for today.

"You will write a three page essay about any potion on that page in your textbook. You have until Wednesday to finish. Your time starts now." He said to the class.

Gemini groaned next to me. She hates potions which is so weird seeing as her father teaches it but she is amazing at everything else.

"I can help. I've been told I'm a pretty sexy tutor." I said to her playfully pushing her shoulder with mine.

She looked at me and smirked. "Oh ya? What kind of tutor?" She whispered seductively.

I shook my head and laughed. "We're in your fathers class Gem." I said knowing it feels wrong to talk like that with her dad feet away.

She jokingly rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to her textbook trying to decide what potion to write about.

"I think I'm going to write about the antidote to the veritaserum potion." I said to her pointing at it in my textbook.

All she did was nod her head while rubbing her temple. Did I annoy her somehow?

She slightly looked up at her dad hoping he was looking at her but he was sitting at his desk grading papers.

"Hey Gem? Are you okay?" I asked touching her shoulder.

Geminis POV

Not in class please.

"Hey Gem? Are you okay?" I heard Draco say as he touched my shoulder. His voice sounded muffled and everything looked blurry.

I was trying to contain the pain but it was too much. I grabbed my head and fell out of my seat, I knew I was screaming in pain but I couldn't hear myself.

"Gem! Gemini!" I heard a voice say but all I could focus on was the pain coming from my head.

I felt someone pick me up and carry me out of the class but I wasn't sure if it was my father or Draco.

Death sounded better than this pain.

"Crucio!" Voldemort yelled towards my father.

"No! Stop please!" I yelled. Feeling the tears stain my cheeks.

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