The Twins X Demi-Goddess! Reader (Outlast)

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A/N: This was requested by MiylyneCook. I hope you enjoy! I put some thought into this one <3 

    "STOP! WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO TO ME?!" I screamed. The masked doctors ignored me and kept pushing the wheelchair I sat as they slowly pushed me down the strange hallway. The lights flickered and I rapidly tried to break the bounds that secured my wrists. The cuffs they had me in weren't normal. My strength didn't work on them. I violently jerked in my seat and the doctors pushed open a door. Against my protests, they wheeled me into the dark room with separate rooms attached. Bright, staticy screens were positioned in each area. I grunted loudly; still struggling in the restraints. They pushed me through a doorway and centered me in the middle next to table with various surgical tools. The buzzing screen flashed rapidly. "Shhh. It'll be over before you know it." The doctor cackled in a sickenly sweet tone. "Patient 199. Y/N L/N. Has shown signs of abnormal strength and pain tolerance. Amazing capabilities in smell, sight, and hearing. Reports state she can move things without touching them. Mild schizophrenia and severe depression." The doctor behind me listed aloud. "Commencing project Walrider in three.. two... one.." The screen flashed images of different pictures. I threw my head back in pain as I glared at the pictures.  The doctor raised his hand and smacked me roughly across my face. "Fuck!" I screamed. "Eyes open, you little bitch! Look at the fucking screen!" He yelled. He forcefully grabbed my face, making me look at the flashing screen once more. The buzzing noises ate at my eardrums. I screamed in agony as the pictures flashed through my mind; tearing themselves into my brain. The doctors both filed out of the room, leaving me in the chair.  My vision went blurry as I stared. I wanted to look away, but I couldn't. It was like a magnet. Another scream traveled up my dry throat and escaped my chapped lips. I felt my consciousness start to fade away. My eyes began to droop shut. 

     My head throbbed. A siren blared in the distance and the flashing images began to pulse through my head once more. I lazily opened my eyes up. The screen no longer displayed the disturbing array of images. A soft buzzing emitted from it. The pictures etched into my brain; carving into my lobes like a knife to cattle. I groaned in anguish. A scream echoed through the next room, followed by a large splatter of blood on the transparent wall beside me. I jumped a bit. Everything suddenly went quieter and I heard the doors swing open to each room. I looked behind me and then back to my wrists. I took in a shaky breath. Concentrate. I stared down at the restraints and the latch began to lift, freeing my strained hands. I let out a breathy sigh of relief and rubbed my bruised wrists. I was wearing a tattered patient's outfit and I didn't have shoes on. I approached the doorway and checked both corners for any threats. I immediately darted out of the room. 

   I breathed heavily as I stopped running. I gasped for air repeatedly. There was a rotting scent in the air. Perhaps from the decrepit wood lining the walls and floors. Along with a faint smell of antiseptics and blood. "WALRIDERRR!!" I snapped my head behind me with a sharp gasp. A variant ran down the hallway behind me screaming frantically. A cloud of green and black dust floated closely behind him. I felt my temple begin to ache again; the painfully familiar pictures running through my mind once more.  I heard more yelling which caused my headache to grow. Suddenly I was knocked to the floor. My eyes squinted up at another variant. A crooked smile plastered his scarred lips as he stared down at me. Like predator to prey. I struggled beneath his grasp but the buzzing in my head weakened my strength. He tugged a knife from behind his back and raised it with a wicked smile. He brought it down on my stomach. I could barely feel anything. I merely winced at the ever so slight jolt of pain. He pulled it from my flesh quickly and stabbed me repeatedly. The pain got progressively worse and the fogginess in my head continued. "DOCTOR!" The patient yelled. He continuously rammed the knife up and down on my stomach. The buzzing began to fade and I glanced down at my bloody mess of a torso. I felt my strength come back and I raised an arm; pushing him off me in one swift movement. I sat up a bit; the knife still implanted in my ravaged stomach. I stood up and glanced down. I grabbed the handle and pulled the blade from my skin. I scowled at the variant. My various wounds began to heal; the deep lacerations and holes in my abdomen sealing themselves shut. I threw the knife into the air and focused on it carefully. The blade came to a halt in mid air and began to float. I turned it towards him. I sent the knife flying directly into the middle of his forehead, killing him instantly. His lifeless body slumped forward. 

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