Rhys X Reader (Tales From The Borderlands)

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    We were all scattered about the dome looking around for Gorty's upgrade. I was stuck here on Pandora with Rhys, Vaughn, Sasha, Fiona, Loader Bot, Athena, and Gortys. I'm so tired right now. I sigh as I sit back against the large rock underneath me. I wasn't really the social type. I wasn't what you would call 'friends' with anyone here. Fiona and Sasha were likes sisters to me though since we grew up stealing together. But the others... I mean we talked sure but nothing intimate. I boredly looked down at my hands sitting in my lap. I had a crush, I guess you could say, on Rhys. Dorky Hyperion businessman. Even though I've never really talked to him. I lived down here on Pandora and when we found the two Hyperion misfits, I hated them. But over this crazy adventure we've had so far I've grown to tolerate them. Rhys was an awkward, spineless, adorable social train-wreck to say the least. But it seemed like he had a thing for Sasha. You know, the prettiest 'sister.' She was always the fly trap for men. I looked up and saw Sasha looking around some plants and Rhys stood next to her looking down. He looked like he was in deep thought. Probably about kissing Sasha or something. I rolled my eyes and looked back down. I wasn't even sad. Just disappointed I guess? I don't know. I wasn't happy though. I guess I'm just used to being the second choice. Not even a choice at all...
   Little did I know Rhys was gazing over towards my slouched figure. "You're so... pretty." He murmured not too quietly. I heard his little mutter. "What did you just say?" Sasha turned her head and snapped at Rhys with a sneer. His cheeks flushed red. "O-Oh nothing. Just um... Talking to myself here." He waved it off with some nervous laughter. I sighed again and stared up at the huge moon up in the sky. The Helios Space Station took up most of my view, but it was beautiful. "Hey." A voice brought me back down to Pandora. I jumped a little at the sudden voice and turned my head to see Rhys next to me on the huge rock I was on. I smiled a tiny bit. "Uh. Hey.. Rhys." I replied - unsure of why he sat there in the first place. "What's uh on your mind?" Rhys questioned. I looked back up to the moon. "Nothing. Just viewing the scenery. The moon looks kinda beautiful tonight. I can't believe you live up there. What... What's it like?" I asked him. He scoffed a little. "It may be beautiful on the outside from afar, but the inside is nothing like that. The place is full of arrogant assholes." He explained. I hummed. "But you're not an arrogant asshole. Wait. Are you?" I joked. He rolled his eyes playfully. "So why are you sitting here like... all alone?" Rhys pondered. "Mm. I don't know. Just wanted to be alone I guess. I'm not one for socializing either. People bore me." I shrugged with a breathy laugh. "Do I.. bore you?" He asked. I turned to face him. "Surprisingly enough, no. At least.. not yet that is." I flash him a teasing smile. Rhys smiled back warmly and looked to the sky as well. He peered down to his skag skin shoes and then his eyes landed on a small glowing purple flower planted on the floor below him. Suddenly an idea popped in his head. He bent down and carefully plucked the fragile flower in between his fingers. He pulled it out of the ground and held it up to admire its beauty. He cleared his throat and very timidly tapped my shoulder. "Hey, Y/N.." He began. "Yes, Rhys?" I hummed sweetly. "H-Here." He held out a gorgeous flower for me to take. His face was tinted crimson as he refused to look into my eyes. A wide smile grew on my face. No one had ever done something this sweet for me. I brought the flower closer to my nose and inhaled the sweet scent. "Thank you, Rhys. It's beautiful." I looked over to him. He was blushing and he rubbed the back of his neck nervously with his robotic arm. I scooted closer to him and wrapped my arms around him tightly in appreciation. He tensed up but hugged me back. "Thank you. It really means a lot." I smiled. He rested his head on top of mine. "Y-Yeah. N-No problem." He stuttered.
I pulled away from the hug shortly. A few moments of comfortable silence passed us before I broke it. I chuckled lightly. "What?" Rhys cocked his head a little. "Nothing it's just... This is the first gift anyone has ever given me... my entire life. I feel... appreciated I guess." I laughed. "Y-You've never gotten.. a gift before?" Rhys' eyes widened. "You're joking." He said. I shook my head. "No. I'm not. There's no time for gifts and stuff like that on Pandora. Only.. survival." I shrugged my shoulders again. "That's the second craziest thing I've learned today." He shook his head in disbelief. "Wait. Second? What's the first?" I asked. "Vaughn has abs!!!" He shouted. I began to laugh wildly. "Well I suppose I should give you a gift in return." I said. "N-No. It's fine." Rhys smiled. "I gave the flower to you because.. well... It reminded me of you.." He rubbed the back of his neck again. "How so?" I asked. "It was bright, different in a way, and... Beautiful..." He said the last part quieter. "You think I'm beautiful?" I asked. "Well I mean.. Y-Yeah." He admitted. I smiled sweetly. "Thanks... Rhys. Not to bad yourself." I winked playfully at him. Rhys turned crimson again and I just giggled.

"Hey lovebirds, get the hell over here! We found the way in!!" Fiona called loudly in a very annoyed tone. I could practically hear my eyes rolling. What a way to kill the mood sis. "We should probably do what she says before she shoots us." Rhys chuckled from beside me. I giggled. "Yeah. You're probably right." I said. We both stood up and I looked up at Rhys. "Woah. I never noticed how tall you were." I said. "I'm like... A friggin dwarf compared to you." I laughed. Rhys shook his head jokingly. "Well. Shall we?" I extended my arm for him to link. He chuckled and smiled at me. "We shall."

A/N:  I hope you enjoyed the story and have a wonderful day!!! 

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