Handsome Jack X Suicidal! Reader (Borderlands)

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Warnings: This story contains mention of self harm and suicide. If you are sensitive to that type of topic you can feel free to read another story or just skip this part. Also some fluff between you and Jack ; ). Enjoy!


No one needs me. No one cares. No one would notice if you just ... disappeared. My tears crowded my eyes as I sobbed silently into my pillow. The clock read 2 a.m and the thoughts were coming back. My arms were craving the touch of my razor blade in the nearby cabinet in the bathroom. My soul cried out 'freedom'. And that's what I am gonna get tonight. Freedom. I hadn't seen Jack in hours. He had been at a Hyperion meeting.. I slowly arose from my fetal position on my bed and crept into the bathroom. I let a tear fall as I looked into the mirror. Ugly. Worthless. Loser. The voices in my head chanted. End yourself. End yourself! They whispered in soft tones. I extended my shaky arm out to open the cabinet in front of me. I saw the blade on the second shelf. I picked up the shiny, sharp piece of metal, still coated with dry blood. I collapsed and started to whimper. I dug the blade deep into my already scarred skin.

After awhile of repeating the same chain of events, a voice echoed in the bathroom. "Oh! It's so great to be home. Y/N!" I heard him call. I heard his footsteps into the bathroom ".. Oh my god... Y/N. STOP!" Jack yelled at me. He knelt beside me frantically and smacked the blade out of my trembling hand. I began to curl up into a u-shape and cry. Jack's strong arms embraced me tightly as I cried. "Why would you do this to yourself, cupcake?!" Jack said loudly but with care. "I'm such an ugly... Worthless.... Loser..." I repeated the chants the voices yelled in my mind with a very faint mumble. "Nononononono. You are not ugly. Sweetheart, you are beautiful. You are the greatest woman I know." He said in his soothing voice. "And you are not a loser." He whispered into my ear and he hugged me tighter. I sniffled lightly, beginning to calm down. "Y/N. Don't ever do this to yourself again! You deserve so much more than this. You hear me?!" He yelled. "Yes..." I whispered in tears and doubt. "Good..." He sounded so relieved. "Come on pumpkin, let's get you cleaned up." He sighed sadly and began to help me up. He sat me up on the sink like a child and took out some medical supplies. He cleaned my cuts individually, carefully wrapping each in thick layers of white gauze. He finished the last one and held my arm clasped in his hands. He brought my bandaged arm to his lips and gave it a soft kiss. "You don't deserve these scars." He said quietly. There was a long pause full of comfortable silence. "Can I see your face?" I spoke up in a hoarse voice. He looked up at me and his mismatched eyes met my Y/C ones. "No I mean... your real face.." I said. He frowned. "Cupcake... you wouldn't like what's under this mask... I'm... " He paused and sadly smiled at me. "It's best if no one sees this face.." He looked down as he grabbed my hands. "Please...?" I plead. His sad eyes met mine again and he sighed. "Fine..." He agreed. Jack looked up at me with sadness in his blue and green eyes and I reached my shaking hands up to his face and cupped his cheeks in my small hands. I stared into his beautiful orbs. I ran my fingers over the hard, smooth plastic that covered his face. Jack had never let me see his real face before. I undid the three small metal clasps at the edges of the mask and prepared to lift. I flipped the mask slowly. He closed his eyes in insecurity. He was just as beautiful without his mask on.. I gasped at how amazing he looked. He was perfect in my eyes. One of his eyes opened to read my expression. "Still handsome... Jack." I whispered. I leaned in and planted my lips onto his real ones. They were so soft. I melted into the kiss instantly. Our lips were made for eachother. His scars made him absolutely perfect. The blue vault symbol that covered his face didn't make him any less handsome in my opinion. He kissed back, wrapping his arms around my waist and mine around his neck. He pulled away with a innocent smile. "Really...?" He asked me. "You're beautiful." I breathed out. I embraced him into a tight hug. We stayed like that for a really long time. I listened to his steady heartbeat and enjoyed the feeling of Jack being this close to me, his body up against mine and his arms tightly secured around me. He picked me up into his arms and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He carried me over to my bed and set me down gently. He leaned down and gave me a short sweet kiss on my temple. "Goodnight Y/N." He said quietly. He smiled down at me and stroked my cheek with his thumb. He turned around and began to walk away to work on some papers he had to fill out. "Wait.. Jack!?" I called out to him. He turned around in concern. He rushed to my side. "What's wrong, cupcake?" He asked quickly. "Nothing.. Can you.. Can you stay with me tonight..?" His face broke into a wide smile. "Of course, cupcake. Anything for you." He smiled at me sweetly and kissed me hand. He then walked around to the other side of the bed and crawled into the sheets next to me. He snuggled up close to me. He placed his arms around my waist. I blushed a deep pink. He put his head on my shoulder and kissed me gently.  "Goodnight, pumpkin." His grip on me tightened but I didn't mind. "Goodnight, Jack." I turned around to face him and I kissed him on his cheek. Now I was snuggled into his chest with his arms still around me, pulling me closer to him. His head rested on top of mine. Maybe I'll have good dreams tonight....


A/NJack is so Friggin CuTe! Yet also h ot? Its a l o t. AnywAys. Hope you guys enjoyed my story!! With that I bid you guys farewell! As ALWAYS, have a wonderful dayyyYy!!!

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