Eddie Gluskin X Reader (Outlast: Whistleblower)

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A/N: I've had this one in my drafts forever. @Erwinshoe here's the Mr. Gluskin one I mentioned ; ) I hope you like it! 

          Eddie clutched his knife tightly as he sang loudly; his voice echoing throughout the empty halls. "Come out, darling! I promise I won't hurt you again!" I heard his charming words roll off his tongue smoothly. My shaky breaths were the only thing keeping me company with my back pressed against the cold metal of an old locker. I held my wrist tightly; desperately trying to stop the blood seeping from my laceration. I heard the faint sound of his voice again beyond the walls of the room I was in. His words were sickenly sweet. He was trying to beckon me out of my hiding place. He was charismatic. That's for damn sure. "Darling!" Eddie called. My breathing hitched in the back of my throat as I saw him enter the doorway through the cracks in the locker. With each step he took towards my locker I felt my heart beat quicker. I cautiously watched his bloodshot eyes as he scanned the room. "Y/N.." He cooed. I watched with quieter breaths as he stepped up to my group of lockers and checked the first one. I heard the locker door slam shut and he stood directly in front of mine. "I know you're in there, my love." He sighed sweetly. I gasped and bit my lip. He rattled the locker handle and flew it open. His tall frame towered over my frail, broken body and I fearfully looked to my feet. "Darling." He pulled me into his strong arms. I shivered at his touch and out of fear; returned his embrace. "I'm very sorry for harming you, my dear." He spoke softly. A tone in his voice I was not used to hearing. I feared he could snap at any moment. "My anger always gets the best of me." He apologized. "Come. I'll fix you up." He parted from the hug and laced my uninjured hand with his. He took me back through the haunting hallways hand in hand.

      Our footsteps make light creaks on the rotting boards holding the floor together. Soft, silver light was peering through the rusted up windows; illuminating the dim rooms up a bit. You could see individual dust particles floating about the place. Which is one of the factors that made this place so unnerving. My smaller hand was still placed in Eddie's larger one. It was oddly comforting. I silently cursed myself for the thought. His hands were rough and caked with blood and dirt. The whole place carried a metallic stench. From all the blood that stained the walls and the floors. He made a sharp right and into a room. Eddie began to address my wound he had inflicted upon me earlier. I observed his perfectly slicked back hair and the rugged scars that lined the side of his face. His teeth had been a pearly white, which was strange. He was attractive. In a way. His personality, however, was deceiving. Such a smooth talker. But if he sensed rejection, he'd go off like a grenade. "There! You're all better now, darling." Eddie secured a bandage around my wrist and flashed me his white smile. "Now, for the wedding! A bride can't get married without her dress of course!" He chuckled deeply. "Bride..?" I questioned just above a murmur. "Let's get you changed!" He exclaimed with excitement and grabbed my hand once again; leading me out of the room. 

     He dragged me into another room full of various hand made white gowns that were covered in a thick layer of dust. Besides for one that stood right beside a cracked mirror on the wall. He guided me in front of the mirror and gently removed my hand from his grasp. His hands began to fiddle with my clothes and he started to strip me. "What are you doing?!" I shouted. Soon enough, I was left in just my underwear. I stared ahead of me at the shattered mirror at my nearly naked body. I covered myself up as much as I could with my hands. I watched as Eddie grabbed my hands in the mirror and removed them from covering myself up. "Don't do that, darling. I think you're absolutely stunning." His compliment made my face heat up a bit. My cheeks tinged a light pink as his actions. He wore a very gentlemen persona at times. "Now for the dress!" He slipped the surprisingly soft fabric over my body and pulled it over my shoulders. I stared back into the mirror and parted my cracked lips. The dress was beautiful. My eyes went wide and for a minute; I almost forgot where I was. "Do you like it?" Eddie's voice broke my trance. I surprised myself when a smile graced my face. "It's.... beautiful." I admitted. "Did you.. make this for me?" I asked. He merely nodded at my inquiry. "You look positively riveting, my dear." He smiled as he looked at my reflection in the mirror. My hair was a complete and utter mess. It had been like this for god knows how long. I reached up and felt my hair. The texture was knotted and left a dirt residue on my fingers as I pulled away. "Would you like me to do your hair for you, darling? A woman/man should always look and feel their best on their wedding day." Eddie offered. Wedding. That word again. There was no way I was getting out of this 'wedding' without getting killed in the process. What would the harm be though? It wasn't a real wedding after all. Right..? 

  "I would.. like that." I smiled. His kind gestures were only covering up his dark side. I had to keep reminding myself that he's not what he seems. But I just couldn't help being enthralled by this rollercoaster of a man. Eddie had already sat me down in a chair and his fingers began to delicately comb through my hair and braid it. It was oddly calming. 

    "Finished, darling." Eddie removed his hands from my hair. I glanced up towards the mirror again and my mouth went agape once more. Even though my hair was still dirty and a bit matted, the style of it was beautiful. He grabbed my hand a stood me up; rushing me out of the room. "It's time for the wedding!!" He exclaimed in excitement. Eddie took us to an alter. An eerie light lit up the end of the aisle. There was a man dressed in a worn out outfit that stood in the middle with a book. I gulped at the creepy sight. He looked like a priest. There were rows of church pews lined up as he walked me through the middle. We reached the end and Eddie grabbed my hands in his. He gave me a wide smile. He looked like a child on Christmas. I felt a tug on my heartstrings. The priest opened up the book and he read a series of paragraphs out of it. "Do you, Eddie, take Y/N to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" The priest turned to Eddie. "I do!" Eddie grinned joviously. "And do you, Y/N, take Eddie to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" He repeated the same vows to me. I gulped nervously again. I opened my mouth to speak but only silence filled the air. Eddie's smile turned into a frown and his eyes narrowed at me. "I.." I started. Eddie's face contorted into a look of anger and he gripped my hands tightly. I swallowed harshly and quickly spoke. "I-I do!" I confirmed. Eddie's look of agitation reverted back to a smile with a glint of happiness in his hazy blue eyes. "Then by the authority vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife." The priest closed the tan colored book shut with a satisfying thud. My eyes shifted to Eddies and he smiled at me; pressing his lips to mine. My eyes widened and I felt a pit within the depths of my stomach. I wrapped my arms around his neck in the heat of the moment. His lips moved along with mine. I tried to convince myself I wasn't enjoying this... but I was. We broke apart for air and I looked up at his face. His eyes glazed over like glass and small tears streamed down the front of his face. "Um.. W-What's wrong..?" I asked. He smiled at me happily. "Nothing, darling." He said. "I finally have a beautiful bride." 

 A/N: Thanks for reading! Have an amazing day! 

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