Richard Trager X Requested! Brandon (Outlast)

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A/N: Requested by damnthatjunkie. I hope you like it! I tried my best to add all your details :D

   How long had it been? Ten years? Fifteen? It was hard to tell. I was born into a poor family, one that didn't really even have enough money to put food on our table. It was amazing we kept a roof over our heads at all. I used to steal anything and everything I could to help put meals on our dinner table, but it was never enough. 2012 was when I was finally caught. Incarcerated. I was too young for jail and they needed a new possible guinea pig for their experiments. They sent me to Mount Massive Asylum. I was so young and they still sent me to this place. The first day I was here, they put me through dozens of tests. That feels like eons ago though. I've spent so long trapped inside those rotting walls. I can't remember the last time I was in the sun. Weeks? Maybe months? 

    I spent my time in the asylum over the years in this small cell. One of the many lined up in my block. The beds were barely even beds at all. They had these large springs that would press against your skin no matter how you laid. The mattresses were incredibly thin. It was as if you were laying on just metal bars.  It was a tight room. Almost claustrophobic. Thats how all of them were. The walls were a fading gray color and the floors were coated in grime, which only caked up more as the years drove on. The whole place was depressing, really. Everyday I stared at the wall. Lost in my head. It drove me insane. 

      During my later years here, I could sometimes hear the desperate screams of the other inmates as they were ripped from their cells and taken below. I wasn't ever taken downstairs. I'm not even sure why. I still remember the time they tried to take the big guy out of his cell. There was a bunch of screaming all of a sudden. Walker, I think his name was. He tossed the security guards around like dolls, killing 3 of them. I watched silently from my cell and tried my best to stifle a laugh when I watched their bodies hit the floor. But I couldn't.

  They got what they deserved.

    Occasionally the security guards would open my gate and take me to my doctor. Richard Trager

  A smile tugged at my lips. 

  "How've you been, buddy?"


     I could faintly hear his familiar voice in the back of my mind. 

    He was the thing that kept me partially sane. The frequent visits to his office were what I hoped for everyday in my isolation. He was a therapist, a doctor, and most of all, a friend. His kind demeanor and calmness towards me was what made my days bearable. He was a very charming man. I'd even go as far as saying he's attractive. He never hurt me. Or did anything bad to me. I sometimes wonder if how he treated me was different than the treatment of the other patients he had. They stopped taking me to his office what seems like forever ago though. The guards barely fed me. And when they did, it was this thick paste on an aluminum tray. It was a pale gray color. It barely even looked edible. And so I slowly turned into skin and bones like the rest of the poor guys here. They left me to rot in that cell. 

     I put down the book I had been reading and sat up on the worn couch with my knees to my chest. So many voices twirled in the back of my mind but I couldn't tell who's they were. No. Not anymore. I stared deeply into the static filled box TV in front of me. I felt my head twitch. I parted my chapped lips and breathed in a bit. It was so strange to be free. I was trapped in that room for so many years. It made me sad, but no tears came to my eyes. I just want to go home. I long for the day I can embrace my mother again. I wonder where she is right now.. Why would she want to hug a criminal a voice cackled throughout my head. You're a monster, Brandon soft whispers haunted me. I kept staring blankly at the TV. My stomach began to grumble a bit. I couldn't recall the last time I ate. I had to go find food. There should be food in the kitchen somewhere. I hope. I'm sure the staff here ate better than the patients. But it's not like they'll need the food anymore. They're all dead now. 

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