Marcus Abbott X Reader ~ Part Four! (A Quiet Place)

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   Me and Marcus joined Regan and Lee at the dinner table soon enough. Evelyn brought a tray coated in bright green leaves and sprawled with a couple of fish out of the steamer. I sat across from Marcus; Regan right beside him. Luckily, she hasn't spoken about what happened downstairs. If Evelyn and Lee found out they'd start teasing us to no end. 

      Evelyn placed the platter of food in front of us all in the middle of the dining table. I peeked up at Marcus. His cute curls framed his face and his eyes met mine. I quickly looked away. Evelyn took a seat at the empty chair and extended her hands out. Both Regan and I grabbed each of her hands; extending our other hands out to Lee and Marcus. We all created an oval shape with our hands connected. Our eyes fluttered shut as we each made our own silent prayers. We opened them and unlaced fingers. Evelyn began to serve the food. We all happily ate.

  Me and Regan helped clean off the dinner table while Evelyn washed dishes. Marcus and Lee sprawled thick blankets out on the living room floor along with pillows from around the house. They placed Monopoly in the center of the room. I watched as Marcus laid on his stomach atop the blankets; lifting the box to the board game. I smiled and tried my best to finish cleaning to join him. After everything was in order, I rushed over to Marcus' side. I laid on my stomach in the same fashion as him. Together, we removed all of the game pieces from the box. Evelyn had knitted us special pieces made of yarn so that we wouldn't risk making any noise moving the firm, plastic pieces across the board. Regan joined us too and the game began. 

    Regan moved her piece across one of Marcus' owned properties and she stopped; removing her hand from the small clot of fabric. You cheated Regan accused Marcus. He tried to retain his giggles and smiled widely No I didn't he defended. Regan rolled her eyes. Marcus shook his head and clutched the two dice. His elbow knocked over the lantern beside him in the act and a wave of yellow flames surged onto the blankets. The loud sound of glass toppling was heard. My eyes widened and we all jumped in surprise and fear. Lee quickly ran over to us; stomping and putting out the flames spreading on the blankets below us. We all breathed heavily and stopped. Just stopped. To listen to the outside. To see if one of them was coming. Over from the kitchen, I could tell Evelyn was worried. She stopped to listen as well, placing her hands over her baby bump. I clinged to Marcus out of instinct. He held me back. Wind shook the house and it whirred as we listened. A shuffle could be heard just outside the window and my breathing hitched. I clutched Marcus' sweater tighter. Lee stood and went over to the window quietly. He peered through the blinds. More shuffling was heard and he jumped back in surprise. Lee then caught his breath and turned to all of us; nodding his head that it was okay. We all let out a large exhale in relief and I let go of Marcus. What a way to start the night.

(Time skip: Next morning)

  The sun wasn't as bright today as it was yesterday. The day felt duller. The clouds covered a good bit of the sky and it was a bit dreary out. Perhaps the day felt sadder due to the looming fact we were going to the river with Lee today. The thought hung over my head. I was still shaken up from that close call yesterday. But thinking about the way me and Marcus danced together last night took me away from the the bad and made me focus on the good. It made me smile. As the wonderful thoughts swirled in my mind, I began to change into comfortable clothes. I glanced at myself in the long mirror hanging up on my bedroom wall. I suddenly got a real good look at my face and reached out; tracing my fingers over my reflection. I resembled my mother. I grew sad but took a deep breath; leaving my room. I pushed the front door of the house open carefully. As my bare feet touched the porch I saw Regan and Lee in the distance. Evelyn was close by. And looked like she was comforting Marcus. He wore the same sweater he often did. I'm fairly sure Evelyn had knitted it for him. He had a patterned beanie on his head. It covered all of his curls but he still was as cute as ever. I took a deep breath once again. Hopefully today goes by quickly..

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