𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟔 - 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐫𝐬.

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did y'all watch the new aot movie ? ————————Your POV

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did y'all watch the new aot movie ?
Your POV

When we arrived to Utgard castle it was in shambles. Utter chaos had broke out and titans were everywhere, among the rubble I could sort of make out Christa, Connie, and Reiner? I think Bertholdt too.

Christa was bout five seconds short of being devoured whole by a titan. As soon as Mikasa noticed this she raced to rescue her, thrashing through the nape of the titan. But there were plenty more to deal with, a heard of them was crowded around something...perhaps someone.

"It's gotta be Ymir, she wouldn't leave Christa's side unless she had to." I joined Mikasa's side, the others who were with Christa came running.

"Christa, all of you, get back it's not safe. Let us take care of this." Numerous soldiers flew above head, Hange shouting orders from horseback. The huddled titans were dead short after. I skimmed the area once more to ensure no more titans were hanging around before landing. Levi joined my side and both of us had our attention turned toward Christa as she ran towards the carcass of a titan.

"It's Ymir, it's gotta be Ymir."

"Just how many titan shifters are in these squads?" Levi wiped his hands clean with his cravat.

Both of us watched Christa rush over to Ymir, ripping her from the carcass of the gremlin-looking titan she had emerged from. Ymir was unconscious and had titan marks imprinted on her cheeks.


Around an hour later we were standing on Wall Rose after drearily getting all the horses up the wall--along with the injured Ymir. I went over to the supply base set up nearby and unloaded my diminished gas canisters. Levi came up next to me. Both me and Levi, along with everyone who had been in that wagon earlier, had suspicions that someone close to us held the colossal and armored titans.

I peeked behind me as I was refueling. Eren and Mikasa were talking to Reiner and Bertholdt. They were who we suspected to be concealing the two titans. I didn't want to believe it anymore than I wanted to believe Annie was the female titan. I had gotten close to them too, it hurt knowing I was utterly betrayed by the first three people I allowed into my life willingly.

But it would make perfect sense had it been true. Annie's been close with Reiner and Bertholdt since I knew her, she tried to hide it but it was ineffective. If she was close to them and they're the colossal and armored then all three of them must be aware of what the other is hiding.

I sighed and looked over at Levi. It seemed he was contemplating if he and Hange had made the right choice allowing Eren to assess the situation.

"It's gonna be fine. We already know the answer to all of this anyways." I nudged his shoulder and turned the lever off on the gas tank.

"Hurry and replenish your blades, time is ticking and you idiotically decided to go last with me."

"If all goes to hell...I'm going to do everything in my power to kill them both." I set the new set of blades into place and walked away towards Eren. I had a soft spot for Annie and I love her dearly which is why I could never dream of hurting her. But the other two...their betrayal hurt in a way that made me wish to seek revenge. I wasn't upset. I was pissed the fuck off.

Me and Mikasa made eye contact and she gave me a certain look. Small yellow lightning bolts began to spark surrounding the two in question. Eren backed away as his heart was shattered by the betrayal of the boy he idolized like a big brother.

Mikasa reacted immediately, launching one of her blades into the air. The steel plunged into Reiner's chest as she ran to grab Eren. Before she could effectively save him two transformations blew us away. Well, Everyone but Eren.

The supply base was blasted away and Ymir flew into the air. The colossal titan grabbed ahold of Ymir while the armored grabbed Eren. The steam was too hot for any of us to proceed. Mikasa tried her best but it was nearly impossible to keep your eyes open in this.

I looked back towards Levi. He was ready to take action and so was the rest of us. A third transformation sounded, Eren appearing as the steam settled. Mikasa, Levi, Jean, and I immediately burst into action. Protecting Eren remained the top priority. Putting an end to Reiner and Bertholdt would just be a bonus.


They escaped with Eren, Historia and Ymir. Once again, everything hinged on being able to recover Eren but now Historia too. We were tailing Reiner, Berholdt, and Ymir. We were tailing on horseback since the land was too barren to engage ODM. 

Earlier, a cadet had went to warm Erwin of the situation. A short while ago he had joined us with another decently sized squad. The armored titan screamed to attract a heard of titans for defense. Levi ordered we continue forward and he'd take care of as many titans as he could to prevent excess lives being lost. 



"Let's get Historia first, Ymir might lay off if we do it that way. It's now or never!" I shouted. With that she stood up on her horse. Jean, Connie, Me, and Armin copied her move up onto the Armored titan. I immediately went and sliced Historia free from Ymir's grip, she protested against it and told me to wait but I didn't listen nor did I care to. 

"We gotta go Historia, don't fight me or you'll regret it." She didn't want to listen either. Her arms thrashed against me endlessly. Jean and Connie shouted at her to stop and listen to me but she wouldn't. 

"Pick a side Historia, us? Or the bitch I'm gonna kill?" 

She finally stopped putting up a fight and tears ran down her cheeks. Ymir's too. This felt all too familiar. 

The two exchanged a look and I took Historia back down to the horses. Levi had killed off a good number of the titans but they just kept coming. 

"Are you hurt?" I tucked my hair behind my ear and checked for any visible injuries. She shook her head 'no' and watched Ymir's every movement. 

"I know how you feel...Just know you're strong for not betraying the scouts. If it had been me and Annie back then I don't know how I'd react." Tears continued to swell in her eyes. Ymir's Titan let go of Reiner while the others had been trying to free Eren. She jumped down and began trailing me and Historia. 

I kept my blades drawn and a safe distance between us. 

"Let me talk to her! Please (Y/n), It's not too late." I sighed contemplating whether or not I should. Levi zipped past me on his ODM, the gas hissing and lines whirring. His blades were covered in blood and slightly dulled as he sliced through the titans heading up the armored. Is he going for Eren? 

"Fine. But just so you know we are surrounded by titans. Unless you want to be eaten before you can say goodbye I suggest you make use of your equipment. Too many titans are roaming around here for us to get back safely, I'm gonna help out reinforcements." 


The venture back home was tough. Erwin had gotten his arm bitten off, Historia lost the most important person in her life, Mikasa was worried sick over Eren. I also couldn't help but wonder about my role in all of this. They made zero effort to take me with them during all of this. Not that I wanted that to happen obviously but if they've got a plan for Ymir and Eren then don't they know more about me? Or maybe there is nothing to it. Maybe I actually have zero significance to anything regarding the titans and this is all just a ploy. But that doesn't feel right. Could it be because Levi was there? Or because I'm strong? But that doesn't entirely make sense either since Levi was willing to protect all of us. They still attempted to snatch Eren knowing Levi was here. There's got to be a deeper reason. 

𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝗼𝐟 𝐆𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬(𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐱𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫) REWRITING!! Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora