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{The pic above is the guys' suits.}
She turns around,we're still wrapped in the blanket,she looks into my eyes. She looks so scared.
Her eyes get wide and tear filled. I hold her hand firmly and look in her eyes with a look that says "I'm here for you." She winces and tenses up.
She looks over her shoulder at me and falls back on me,I feel her muscles loosen. She closes her eyes gently,a state of peace falls upon her. She lets out a long sigh and her breathing becomes slower as she drifts off to sleep. She turns on her side (still on me) and buries her head in my chest. I pull the blanket over her and lay back,laying down on the bed,putting my arm around her,soon falling asleep too.
I wake up. Raven's not sleeping anymore,I look around. I don't see her anywhere.
"Raven?!" I call out,I walk up to the bathroom door and knock,"Raven?You in there?"
I walk across the room and open the door. What if she's off cutting?! What if she's in danger?! I get nervous.
I knock on her hotel room door,"Raven! You in there?!"
Starfire comes out of her room,"What is the commotion about?"
"I can't find know where she is?"
"All of us are getting the ready in my room." She explains.
"For what?!" I ask,confused.
"The Arkam Ball! You should really be getting ready,Cyborg and Robin are." She blushes when she says Robin.
"Ok...can I see her?"
"We're all meeting at the ball,the boys in a group and the girls in a group...we would like to be the surprised when we see each other."
"Ok." I say in agreement.
"Go to Robin's room,that is where you guys are getting the ready."
"Okay." I shrug.
I walk over to Robin's room and knock on the door as Starfire goes into her own room.
Robin answers it,"Hey Beasty. Finally ready to stop smooching with Raven and get ready?" He smiles.
"Shut up."
He playfully punches me in the arm and laughs.
"C'mon in,we bought you a suit." He's still smiling.
When I walk in Cyborg's in a suit and tie,he's tightening his screws,"So he can boogie down." He says.
They have a radio playing lots of loud,fast playing music. It smells like too much body spray in here,just plain axe spray. It tickles my nose,it's strong,it burns my nostrils when I turn into a dog for fun. I turn into myself and wrinkle my nose.
I go into the bathroom and get into a suit and tie that they got me,it's really nice,it seems that it was very expensive. I come out,in the suit.
Robin and Cy turn around looking at me.
"Lookin sharp Beasty!" Robin complements me.
"Thanks." I smile.
"Yeah Beasty,the color brings out your eyes." Cy says,he's pumped up,I notice that Robin is too.
I get myself all pumped up too.
"Yeahh boys! I'm ready to get my party on!" I shout excitedly.
Robin high fives me,he goes into the bathroom and puts on his suit too. While he's in there Cy smothers me in body spray. I bury my face in my elbow and cough.
Robin comes out,"Lookin' sharp brotha!" Cy shouts as he high fives hives him.
"Not so bad yourself man!" He high fives him back.
Ok...they've had too many energy drinks.
I smile awkwardly because they're being weird and hyper. Yeah...definitely too much energy drinks.
"K.Ready to go?" Robin asks,looking at me.
"Yeah!" Cy blurts.
"Yeah!" We walk out of the hotel and on the the side walk.
Robin whistles and says,"Julio get the stretch!"
"Really?! An Uptown Funk reference?." I say blankly.
He shrugs. The limo pulls around the corner and we hop in,it's dark and rainy.
I'm kinda nervous...but still excited,I mean,on one hand I'll get to see beautiful Raven and lots of famous heroes;but on the other hand,I'll get to see beautiful Raven and lots of famous heroes! Like,Raven's gonna be so beautiful,and she'll be extravagant,I know it. But what if another guy sweeps her off her feet?! What if she finds out I'm not good enough?! In which I'm not. And the famous heros. What if I screw up in front of them,they'll laugh at me! I might get taken out of the titans! Ok,I need to chill.

Stories of the Titans~Beast Boy's familyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin