The return pt.1

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The pics above are the babies irl ♥️also,I know I said Stargazer had brown eyes...I change my mind,she's gonna have green eyes like Starfire
2 week time lapse
We've finally come back to the tower,so have Star and Robin. The babies are absolutely adorable-but-I CAN'T SLEEP! They cry ALL NIGHT and always need something done for them! Like one needs their diaper changed,while the other is eating a handful of crayons,while the other is crying because their favorite show isn't on,and the other is crying because it wants Raven to hold them and not me!
But right now,me and Raven are cherishing the very slight moment of silence we have because we some how managed to get them all to sleep. We're in the main opps room watching tv with a baby monitor beside us,Arella,Lily,Kenzie,and Jaxon are in the nursery along with Stargazer.
Raven looks sleep deprived and I bet I do too,but I haven't had a chance to look in the mirror in 2 weeks. I feel sleep deprived. I slowly shut my eyes and drift off to sleep...then....the most...horrible thing...happens...crying comes from the baby monitor.
"I'll get it." I say to Raven as she sighs stressfully.
I get up off the couch and sneak quietly to the nursery. I creak the door open,the room is dark and in silence-except that one of the babies is crying. I quickly check each crib,because once one baby cries,it's a chain reaction.
I peek into Stargazer's crib,she's asleep (Robin and Star are so lucky because Stargazer barely ever cries,she sleeps a lot, and is very smiley when she's awake). I check Lily's crib,she's asleep on her side in her onesie with her little thumb in her mouth. Lily is the most bubbly out of them all. I check Arella's crib,she's on her back and crying her heart out.
"Shh." I shush her soothingly.
I pick her up and cradle her,walking around the room,she doesn't stop crying. So I take her to the main opps room so that she doesn't wake up any of the others.
"Awww." Raven coos to her and gets up. She takes her from me,starts walking around and talking to her,and she stops crying.
Arella doesn't really like me as much as she likes Raven,I'm sure she'll grow out of it. But I'm Lily and Kenzie's favorite,Jaxon's more of a momma's boy.
Arella smiles widely and grabs Raven's hair.
"No no baby." She laughs and baby talks to her,pulling her tiny hand away from her hair.
Arella cracks up and pulls on Raven's hood. Raven flashes a bright smile and holds her up in the air,she throws her up,earning a never ending laugh. Both of their eyes sparkle brilliantly. Raven's eyes sparkle like they always do and Arella's eyes sparkle just like Raven's;because she's identical to her.
Star comes out,it's weird to see her and Raven without any large,pregnant,stomaches. Both of their stomachs are still flat and fit though and they've gone back to wearing their hero uniforms,rather than maternity clothes.
"Greetings friend Raven and friend Beast boy!" She comes over and takes Arella out of Raven's arms and cradles her,"What an adorable little Glornarg you are! Yes you are! Once my little Glornarg awakes,I will give her the face full of kisses!"
Arella's little tiny bottom lip starts to quiver,her little tiny purple eyes get starry,and she starts to sniff with her itty bitty microscopic nose. She stares into Star's eyes like this,she looks like someone just hurt her feelings greatly. She sniffs harder then opens her little mouth and closes her eyes,"WWWAAAAAA! WWAAAA!"
"Crap." I take her and give her to Raven.
This obviously makes her stop crying. (Remind you of anyone from WOF Raven_Newt_Mellark12 ? 😂)
"Oh I am sorry...I did not mean to harm your adorable little blumbarg!" Stare apologizes.
"It's fine Star...she's a cry baby." I smile at her and Raven.
"You're just jealous that she only likes me." Raven sticks her tongue out and jokes.
"Maybe a little." I joke and try to tickle Arella's little belly.
Arella just looks up at me like: 'Seriously? Idiot.'
She pulls Rae's hood over her eyes and smiles,pleased with herself. Raven smiles and takes her cloak off leaving her in just her leotard and belt. Which gets me like: 'Babe!' 😍
She wraps Arella in the cloak which gets her sleepy. Arella cuddles up into Raven's chest and yawns a large,toothless yawn. Her little pink gums show as she snores in her sleep.
"I'll take her to the nursery." Raven strokes Arella's purple hair softly with her petite fingers.
I see a little shiver go down Arella's tiny little spine. Rae kisses her little forehead and goes down the hall to the nursery.
"So where's Rob?" I ask Star,breaking the ice.
"Oh! Fiancé Robin! He has slept in...our young Stargazer has kept us up all night the past 2 weeks."
"At least she lets you sleep during the day! Raven and I haven't slept at all the last 2 weeks!"
"Well I am the sorry about that friend Beastboy...but..." She yawns,"Fiancé Robin,Stargazer and I are going to do the cuddling." She walks back to the nursery,comes out with Stargazer,and they go to her and Rob's bedroom.
Raven comes out of the nursery and closes the door softly behind her,she still doesn't have her cloak on which still has me like:'Babe!'🔥😍
"I have to make formula for the kids within an hour because if we don't wake them up in an hour,they'll be up all night." She says.
She goes to the kitchen,uses her dark magic to put some ingredients in a large pot on the stove and starts to stir it.
I come up and hug her around her waist,she smiles and keeps stirring.
"You look cute without your cape you know?" I say
"Stop." She acts like she wants me off,but I see her grin.
I kiss her neck lightly,"Wanna do something fun?"
"We have to have the babies up in an hour." She brushes me off.
I smirk,"I can be done by then."
I laugh,"Well ok then."
"Go make yourself useful." She waves me away.
"Ok,I'll wake the babies up now and get them ready in their high chairs and their bibs."
"That would actually be great."
"I'm on it." I turn around and go to the nursery.
First I pick Jaxon up,he opens his eyes slowly and blinks at me,then he starts to cry,earning cries from all the others.
I pick a crying Lily up and take both of the upset,hungry,crying babies to the kitchen.
"Good morning sunshines." Raven says,still stirring the formula.
I turn into an octopus,making the babies cry harder. I hold Jaxon and Lily in two tentacles and unfold two high chairs with the other six. I turn into my original self again and place them into each of their own high chairs.
I look over my shoulder at Raven,she's quickly pouring the formula into 4 separate bottles. I go back to the nursery,Arella's crying her brains out and Kenzie is still asleep. I pick Arella up in one arm and Kenzie in the other.
Kenzie wakes up startled,then looks up at me blankly and smiles,showing her tiny gums. Kenzie likes me the most out of them all...but she's not like Arella to where she cries when anyone but her favorite parent holds her.
When I go in the kitchen,Rae is sitting down next to Jaxon and Lily,holding their bottles up so they can drink while they're chugging down their bottles in their high chairs. I set up two more chairs the same way I set up the first two,Arella keeps crying and Kenzie cracks up.
I take two bottles in both my hands and hold them up as they chug down.
Rob and Star come out,Star chooses breast feeding rather than formula,so Stargazer is in a little sling held against her chest and eating.
"Hey guys!" Robin smiles,"Me and Star were thinking about taking little Stargazer to the park today,we were thinking Lily,Arella,Jaxon,and Kenzie would like to join?"
"That's fine with me,what about you BB?" Rae says,still holding the bottles up.
"Sounds good to me." I agree.
"Good maybe we could stop for-" Robin gets cut off my a door bell. "I'll get it."
He opens the door and before I can see who it is,he slams it shut,he breaths hardly,sadness strikes his face.
"Who is it?" Star asks,worried.
So pretend the Titans know Batman's identity and have sworn to keep it a secret in the past,so he came to the door without his uniform on,but as Bruce Wayne,the boy millionaire.
Raven_Newt_Mellark12 and I are watching the dark knight right now! Jealous?😏 lol
Have a nice day,

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