The birth pt.1

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{A/N:So I've been reading over this story and realized it's much better to imagine these characters if whenever they talk you read it in their voices,yah know? Like when Raven says something,read it in her voice,when Robin says something,or when Cyborg
says something say it in their voices, and etc. But you should try it! I mean,it's up to you 😂. But just a thought sorry about that.}
"Ok Raven,stay strong!" I slip off the bed and get to my knees next to her.
"Yeah,ok." She becomes calm and holds her head.
I wrap my arm around her and we help each other up.
The doctor and Cy burst in.
"I'll assist you to a room ma'am." The doctor helps Raven to the door and outside of it is a wheel chair.
Raven sits down in the wheel chair and the doctor starts pushing her through the hall fastly.
Cy and Bee follow beside them. I try my hardest to keep up with their pace,but it's hard to keep up when you have broken ribs and deep scars all over your body. I do however make it to the room they go to.
Raven gets up and the doctor hands her a hospital gown. She goes into the bathroom to change and comes out with the hospital gown on and she walks to the bed,her clothes are folded and she hands them to me,I set them in a chair along the wall.
"I would have levitated them to the chair but I can't use my powers right now,too much pain." She plops down on the bed and gets under the blankets.
I stand by her side and hold her hand.
"Ok Mrs.Logan-" the doctor comes over and clicks his pen open,clipboard in hand,"I'll ask you a few questions and leave,the nurses will come in and check on you."
"Ok." She looks like she's not in as much pain anymore.
"Did you just now start showing signs of being in labor?"
"Yes." She answers.
He jots something down on his clipboard,"Do you know how far apart your contractions are?"
"Did you get ultrasounds every time you were supposed to?"
"Have you been drinking,smoking,or taking any nonprescription drugs?"
"I understand you're part demon?" He looks over his glasses.
"Why is that any of your business?!" She snaps.
"Well are you or are you not?"
"Yes! Yes I am!"
"We can't deliver for you then ma'am." He says sharply.
"WHY NOT?" Me and Cy say in unison,sticking up for her.
"We're against "dark magic" and "voodoo"." His voice grows rude.
"Well sir!" Raven sits up and anger grows in her eyes. Something big breaks because she's not even trying to hold in her emotions. "IM SORRY I WAS BORN LIKE THIS! SORRY FOR THE INCONVENIENCE WE'VE CAUSED YOU!"
"Raven lets just go to Azerath." I place my hand on her shoulder and try to soothe her.
She brushes me off,something else breaks.
"Why don't you and the rest of your freak show leave." The doctor growls.
"THATS IT!" Her eyes glow red and she smiles like Jeff the killer. "AZERATH-MENTRION-ZENTHOS!"
A black portal appears in the ground. The doctor yells and screams for dear life as he gets sucked in. Once he's all the way in,it closes.
"Huh." She sighs. "Much better."
A nurse who apparently saw the whole thing stands there,dumbfounded.
"Get us another doctor dear?" Raven smiles at him.
He nods,bug eyed,and runs out of the room. Cy and Bee start laughing at what Raven did and I eventually do too. Raven blushes and puts her hand to her mouth over her smile,she's embarrassed.
Another doctor comes in,it's obvious that the nurse told her about the last doctor because she seems frightful. She looks at the ground and picks something up,it's the other doctor's clipboard and paper for Raven.
"Looks like I can skip the questions for you." She laughs nervously.
Cy and Bee sit down in a chair. I look up at the clock,it's 9:30 pm.
"Yeah." Raven nods her head and forces a smile to be polite.
She hooks Raven up to a few machines and says,"I'll come in and check on you in a few hours. Your cervix is only dilated 3 inches and your contractions are pretty far apart,so you won't be giving birth until about 8 hours from now. If you have any problems-" she picks up the control for her bed,"-press the call button and I'll be here immediately."
Raven and I say thank you and she walks out,closing the door behind her. Bee and Cy absolutely can't believe that we're having children and quite frankly,either can I.
I call Robin on my communicator,he answers. "Hey Rob!" I greet him.
"Hey Beast boy!" He answers.
"Raven went into labour."
"Oh my gosh! I would come,but I need to take Star to Tameran because something's bothering her and I need to take her to the doctor there. We'll be there as soon as possible."
"Ok,see yah then,bye." I end the conversation.
"Bye!" He hangs up.
I hold Raven's hand and comfort her.
A/N:SSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOO SORRY I HAVE NOT UPDATED IN SO LONG! I just wanted to explain why I won't be updating as usual lately.
Well these chapters have been kinda hard to write and they're kind of a challenge to plan,as dumb as that sounds 😂. Also some one I met on Wattpad who's known as MaxLesley is drawing what the babies look like,which is incredibly nice (thank you so much!! You should read her TT fanfic.)
This isn't as important,but I'm just saying that the picture that I put up for this chapter is an edit I made...I know it has nothing to do with the chapter 😂 Sry,just thought I should explain myself
~Bbrae out

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