Raven's Room

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"Wh- what?!" I ask disbelieving.
"We're in the hospital you're in right now." He says.
"Well what floor?! What room?!"
"I'm not sure it's such a good idea for you to-"
"I don't care I'm being there for my wife and children!" I cut him off.
"Ok...ok... 4th floor,room 204."
"I'm coming up!"
"No Beast b-" I hang up before he says his full sentence and throw the communicator down on the bed.
I slowly,but painfully sit up,throwing my feet over the edge of the bed. I hold on to the table and spot a wheel chair in the corner. I slowly place my bare feet on the ground. The floor is freezing. I carefully put pressure on my legs and try to stand up. The pain is unbearable,so I fall back down on the bed.
"Ok." I whisper to myself,"Do it for Raven,do it for the babies."
I take a deep breath in and try once again to stand up,I succeed but barely. I take a step,it feels like I'm stepping on a floor of daggers.
"Ow!" I say through gritted teeth,falling back down on my bed.
"Looks like I'm going to have to crawl."
Crawling is just as painful with my ribs being broken.
"Ugh." I slam back into the wall next to me,I can't crawl there either.
Suddenly a thought goes through me,my children are being born,Raven is screaming in great pain,having no one there,her hair is in a messy bun drenched in sweat. The babies are just born without their father. All of those sleepless nights for Raven because of the pain from them,and all of the sleepless nights for me,helping her through it,worth almost nothing.
"AAAHHH!!!" I scream angrily,I fight through the pain and gather myself up,stumbling to the wheelchair.
I finally get there and sit in it,relieved. I push the wheels forward and open the door carefully,the nurse said I'm not aloud out,so I can't really let anyone see me. I roll my way to the elevator and press the up button repeatedly.
"Come on...come on." I murmur to myself.
The door finally opens and I roll in,as the door closes I see my nurse walk to my room,boy is she in for a surprise.
I press the button for the 4th floor and feel myself being lifted up by the elevator. The door opens and rings. I roll out and search for room 204.
After about 1 minute of searching I find it.
I slam the door back and roll in frantically. Raven's in a hospital gown like me and is in the hospital bed under a blanket. In chairs along the wall are Cyborg,Star,Robin,Terra,and Bee.
"Raven!" I roll to her bed side and hug her tight.
"Beast boy!" She hugs me back,"What're you doing here,you're supposed to be in bed."
"I couldn't miss the birth of my children!" I lay next to her on the bed and pull the blanket over me as well.
"It was just a false alarm Beast boy,they say there seems to be something wrong with my lungs and they want to keep me over night."
"I tried to call you on the communicator and tell you it was a false alarm,but you didn't answer." Robin says.
"Oh." I look at her sadly.
"They do say I should be giving birth any week now though." She smiles and tries to cheer me up.
I smile at her and act like her attempt to cheer me up worked. I but my hand on top of hers,she puts her head on my shoulder and closes her eyes.
"Well,I guess no better time then now to tell you guys this." Robin says,holding Star's hand.
"Robin and I will be getting the married after our beautiful little Glornarg is born!" Star squeals.
We are all very happy for them and congratulate them. After hours of talking and talking it gets late and the titans start looking very tired.
"We're gonna go." Cyborg says tiredly,"We love you guys,and we'll be back tomorrow." We all say good bye and it's just me and Raven.
I turn into a large tiger and wrap myself around Raven,she cuddles herself into me and we both fall asleep quickly.
A/N:Thnx so much for the reads like omfg ❤️❤️❤️😭😭!
Hope u like so far!😏✌️⚡️
Also,I'm kinda confused to when I should update....like every 2 days or once a week or what? PLEASE COMMENT what you think so I know what would be best 😂😭😂😭👌😂.
Thanks for reading,the babies should come anytime now!
~Bbrae out

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