H.I.V.E Five

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(A/N:I'm also a Cy-Jinx fan 😈 Don't worry😂. Also,in this fanfic,Jinx and Cy used to go out.)
I rush to me and Raven's room and open the door. She's on the bed,reading.
"I'm so sorry Raven." I say,closing the door and sitting on the bed.
"No Beast Boy,I'm sorry." She puts the book down,"You're the most I could ever ask for and I'm just really stressed." She sits on my lap.
"You're all I could ask for." I kiss her.
"Bee might be pregnant!" She pulls away and blurts.
"What?!" I shout.
"They're getting a test today,don't say anything about it!"
Suddenly,the alarm goes off! Me and Raven run to the living room and meet the other titans there,along with Bee. I hear Bee and Cy arguing about whether or not Bee should fight along side us. Cy doesn't want her to get hurt but Bee insists she goes.
"The HIVE Five is causing trouble down town! They've robbed 5 banks" Robin explains to all of us,"Titans go!"
I switch form to a falcon. Bee,Star,Raven,Terra,and I speed through the air and Robin and Cy take the T-car.
We see the Hive Five team and fly over. I get to the ground and turn into myself. Terra goes and deals with Billy Numerous,Bee fights along side her. Star busy's herself with Mammoth and See-More. She throws starbolts and dodges Mammoth's extreme strength,dodging See-More's machinery on his helmet. I start trying to get Jinx.
"I thought you were good now Jinx!" I shout,dodging her many pink rays of light.
"I'm just doing one last bad deed for my friends." She smiles.
The T-car arrives,Cy and Robin hop out. Cyborg helps me with Jinx and Robin fights Gizmo. I don't think Cy wants to hurt Jinx,he really used to love her.
"I see I've been replaced Cyborg!" She hisses.
She bends all the way backwards and does a series of flips over to Bee. She smiles malevolently. Her eyes glow white.
"Don't you touch her!" Cy yells,his voice shakes.
She just laughs. Suddenly a car runs into one of the huge machines Gizmo has built and comes flying towards Bumblebee.
"Bee!" Cy yells.
She looks over her shoulder at Cy,but it's too late. The car comes pounding down on her. She and the car go rocketing to the ground (she was high in the air.). I quickly turn into a T-Rex and push Bee out of the way. The car smashes down on my head painfully.
I dizzily turn into myself. Jinx is on top of the car with a knife in hand,holding it to Bee's neck. Fear shines through Bee's eyes. Cyborg looks petrified. I know he truly loves Bee.
"What little Bumblebee? Afraid of a little bad luck." She laughs and holds Bee closer,"Don't any of you guys move or the bug gets it!"
"Jinx....please...let her go." Cyborg's eyes fill with tears.
Jinx laughs hardly.
"Geez Cy,you know what? I have someone new too,His name's Kid Flash. He treats me good."
She holds the knife closer to Bee's neck. Bee closes her eyes tightly.
Suddenly,a rock comes down on Jinx's head and Bee gets loose. Jinx lays on the ground unconscious. Terra hit her with the rock. Bee runs over to Cy. He cuddles her up and she digs her head in his chest,closing her eyes.
"I told you not to come." He strokes her hair.
"Well I'm coming next time too." She whispers back.
Everyone is tied up,The cops get them and drive them to prison. Raven comes over to me and I hug her. I kiss her lips softly.
We all go back to the tower. Speedy's waiting at the door.
"Wanna go to Josh's party?" He smirks at Terra.
She smiles,"You know it!"
"Where's that Mel kid,she's actually pretty cool." He laughs.
"Her and Kendall started school,they met some girl and now their staying at her house for the weekend."
They laugh and walk down the driveway together.
We all walk in,Cy and Bee look extremely nervous. We all sit down on the couch and Bee and Cy go to their room.
They come out a sweaty mess,they must be waiting for the results.
"We all know of friend Bee having the possibility of being with child!" Star blurts.
Robin nudges her in the side. We all nod in agreement,we do all know.
"Ok...hush up about it! We've been extremely careful. We've been using protection,but I guess it may have broken or something!" She hisses.
"Yeah...and we don't know for sure,we're waiting for the results. We all nod in an understanding way.
About ten minutes later Bee goes into the bathroom. She comes out,the test is upside down so neither she or anyone else can see it. Everyone's a nervous wreck.
"Ok...the result is-"
Sorry for the cliff hanger my lovelies✨❤️😭
Sorry,I would have updated sooner,but I accidentally logged out of my account without saving it! 👿👿😾😾 So I had to rewrite the whole thing! Please stay tuned for Bee's answer!
~Bbrae out

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