Azerath PT.1

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(A/N: So I know that in the show Raven has a mother named Arella. But I'm pretty sure that in the comics her mother is dead. So,since in this fanfic I kinda mix the plots and settings between the comics and the show,her mother will be dead.👍)
"-no." She reads with a sigh of relief.
We all kinda sigh out of relief too. Cyborg grabs Bee up in his arms.
2 month time hop
Starfire's 4 months pregnant,today her and Robin are getting there first ultrasound. Raven's 6 months pregnant,her stomach is pretty huge now and each day she gets weaker and weaker,she runs out of energy faster and faster,more full of pain,and each day she looks more feeble and sick. She's stopped casting the spell on herself,we went to Azerath last week and they said it hurts our children when she does that.
We're going back to Azarath today to go to their doctor. The normal doctors don't specialize in dark magic,so they don't understand Raven's pain and weakness. Also,the people in Azerath confirmed that,like Raven,the babies will be part demon. But they also said that as long as we raise them to control their emotions and teach them right from wrong they'll be good people/heroes.
It's 11:00 am and me and Raven are about to go to Azerath. Kendall and Melanie are at school. Raven comes over to me.
"You ready?" She asks,she smiles but still looks really sick.
"Yeah!" I pause and look at her.
"What?" She smiles.
"You have to eat." I cock one eyebrow at her.
"I'll eat when I get there."
"You always say that Rae,c'mon you have to eat."
"I'm not hungry....don't call me Rae."
"Ok,Raven. You have to eat,it's good for the children and for you."
"The thought of food makes me want to puke." Her monotone voice answers sharply.
"Raven,I know. But you have to,you haven't eaten in 4 days."
"I'm a demon,I don't have to eat."
"Raven..." I say,annoyed,"JUST DO IT!"
She rolls her eyes and goes in the kitchen,"FINE!" She shouts.
She goes to the fridge and grabs bacon (it's not the vegan kind but I'm not gonna get on her right now). It's the microwaveable kind. She gets a paper plate and places a paper towel on it gently,her fragile hands shake. She places the bacon on the plate one by one and sets the microwave to 3 minutes. Next,she makes herself some herbal tea. Poor Raven,she looks so pitiful. But she's still my perfect Raven,the Raven I fell in love with;the Raven having my children;the Raven I will love forever.
1 Hour Time Hop
We go to a meditating room that we built for Raven awhile ago. She sits Indian style and starts muttering slowly to herself,"Azerath-mentrion-zenthos. Azerath-mentrion-zenthos. Azerath-mentrion-zenthos."
Her body slowly starts to levitate,she gently lifts from the ground. She opens her eyes,they're glowing white,her hair starts to flow through the air. I step back.
"AZERATH-MENTRION-ZENTHOS!" Her eyes grow to a blinding bright white and her hair goes everywhere.
A huge,powerful portal opens in front of us. I jump back,startled. Her eyes fade to their normal appearance. She slowly drops to the ground and jumps up.
She grasps my wrist tightly,"C'mon!"
She and I run through the portal together. Everything is black and my head gets dizzy. Suddenly,after a long journey of black mystery and dark magic,the portal spits us out. I fly out and thump down on the ground,Raven just simply floats out and hovers over the ground. Her hood is off and her hair is still long,it's beautiful,I love her hair like this.
I open my eyes,we're definitely in Azerath,it's all dark and peaceful. Raven gives me a hand to help me up. I take it and she pulls me up,I smile at her. She smiles back.
"Raven!" A voice comes out of the blue.
We turn around,it's one of the monks.
"Jampa!" Raven puts her arms around him,"Beast boy,this is one of the monks that raised me here in Azerath!"
"Very nice to see you Raven." His voice is incredibly deep,"and you are?" He smiles at me.
"'m Gar-I mean Change-I mean-Beast boy." I'm nervous to meet him,"I'm Beast boy."I smile back at him nervously.
He pats me hardly on the shoulder,"Nice to meet you Beast boy."
"Heh-heh." I rub my shoulder and try to fake laugh through the pain.
"So what're you doing here Raven?" He asks her.
"Well..." She looks at her small belly bump and looks up at me and smiles.
I come and put my arm around her.
"Beast boy and I are pregnant." She blushes.
"WHAT?!" He smiles at her,"Yay! I'll have a beautiful grand daughter?" He rubs her stomach.
Raven shakes her head and smiles.
"Oh! Of course!" He laughs,"A handsome grandson!"
Raven shakes her head.
"Twins?" His smile is a little smaller.
Raven shakes her head,"3 girls and 1 boy."
"Oh! That is great." He beams.
"Yeah.",she laughs,"We're here for an ultra sound."
"JAMPA!" An even bigger,deeper voice booms.
He turns,"Oh,Boldemor!"
A big man comes to us,"Get to work!"
"Oh- yes sir. Do you remember Raven?"
He glares at Raven,"How could I forget?"
"Hello Boldemor." Raven's voice becomes serious and cold.
"How's your father." He hisses coldly.
"Boldemor-please...lets just-" Jampa tries to break Boldemor's cold glare at Raven.
"He's fine. How's your wife." She spits.
He jumps on top of Raven and punches her in the nose,causing it to bleed. This enrages me. I turn into a tiger and scratch his back so hard that I feel my claws dig through the muscle. He screams out of terror and pure pain. I turn back into myself.He falls off of Raven and Jampa runs over to him and helps him up to go to the hospital. Blood stains the back of his shirt.
I fall on my knees and wipe Raven's nose with my sleeve.
"Are you ok?" I ask nervously.
"I'm fine. I love you Beast boy. I love you so much."
I smile and kiss her.
I help her up and she wipes her nose. I hold her tight.
"What was that about?" I ask as we walk around the small village.
She sighs,"When they took my mother in to hide from Trigon there were those who happily helped my mom and wanted to raise me and there were those who were against it because because it put the city at risk. Boldemor was extremely against it. So he always hated me as I grew up,he always criticized me for my father,always thinking I was evil." She looks me straight in the eyes as she's talking,"Well one day I was training with some of my teachers. I couldn't control my powers and one of my rays of dark magic bounced off of walls and hit his wife. She was automatically paralyzed and could do nothing. You can only imagine how he hated me then." She gives a weak smile,"He tried multiple times to kill me,put bleach in my drinks and foods,tried to have me assassinated." Her eyes kind of get big,"He was never caught because no one had real evidence that it was him,but deep down everyone knew he was guilty. His wife died almost immediately." She looks down at the ground sadly.
I place my hand on her shoulder,"Raven,it wasn't your fault."
Her eyes fill with tears and she nods her head. She sniffs.
I face her and hold her closer,she tucks her head tightly into my chest.

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