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(The pic above is the color of Raven's beautiful eyes)
I wake up in the middle of the night;still wondering if that really just happened. I look around the room,I'm still in my hotel room;ok maybe we just kissed and the rest was a dream;I look to my right; Raven's cuddled up next to me. maybe we cuddled a little bit,nothing's wrong with that. I look under the blankets...seems that neither of us have clothes on. Ok...maybe we just got undressed...and cuddled.Wow I'm in denial. and Raven... I didn't think this would happen;not now anyways.
She starts to move a little. I look down at her,her eyes gently open,the purple in her eyes sparkle,she smiles. I give her a peck on the cheek,and she blushes.
"I love you Beastboy." She sighs.
"I love you too Rae." I say,kissing her forehead. She cuddles up closer.
All of the sudden she jerks away and tenses up,squeezing her eyes shut and holding her forehead.
I sit up quickly,"What's wrong?!"
"My emotions,they're getting too painful to hold back."
"Could I do anything to help?!"
"No...I...I..." she clenches her jaw tightly,"Just need to get a glass of water..that usually helps me control them better."
I get up quickly and get her a cup of water and give it to her quickly.
"Thanks." Her voice is more calm as she sips down the water. (Authors Note:I've been imagining her with straight,long hair like she had in the episode where she fought off her dad and wore a white cloak.)
"Thanks." She leans back onto the head of the bed,catching her breath.
"Azerathmentrionzenthos!" Her clothes are suddenly on her.
Wish I could do that.
I get off the bed and put my clothes on.
I'm changed by now,I walk over to the bed,Raven's watching Tv,controlling her emotions.
I get on my hands and knees and stand over her on all fours. I put my head down and stare into her eyes. She blushes and smiles and I smile in return. We share a passionate,flirty kiss,her arms around my neck and me over her.
Someone knocks on the door, "Beastboy come check out the tux me and Cy got you!" It's Robin.
"Busy!" I smile,caught in her eyes.
She giggles.
"Aw c'mon Beasty! We know you're all depressed about Raven and stuff,but you need to let go." Cy yells behind the door.
They open the door,seeing us kissing.
"Ahhhh!" They jump and scream.
It makes me jump out of surprise,we both look over their way,surprised.
"What the?!" Robin makes out the words.
"Shhhh!" I shush them.
"So you two are back together." Cy says with a look like this:😏. (For those who don't have emojis it's like a half smile,sly looking emoji.)
Raven blushes.
Starfire comes in,"What is the problem?"
"Rae and Beasty are back together." Robin teases.
"Don't call me Rae." Raven demands.
We're now just sitting side by side in the bed.
"Aww you guys are cuter than two glorgsnarks!"
"Star no one knows what that means." Raven declares.
Starfire just giggles.
They come and sit/lay down on the bed beside us,watching Tv,none of them bothering to close the door.
Terra walks in,"Oh I didn't know we were having a party in here. You guys left me to put up all the bags! Jerks!" She laughs.
They smile and laugh in return.
She closes the door and jumps on the bed next to everyone.
I feel kinda uncomfortable with Terra right there,I haven't been able to forgive her I just can't,she's hurt me so bad,I grab Raven and hug her tightly.
She looks up at me,"What's wrong?"
"Nothing." I say,happy to have her.
"Ok." She looks into my eyes and smiles.
Terra looks over,I could have swore I saw her glaring at Raven,no I couldn't be right,Terra understands I'm with Raven now...doesn't she?
My thinking gets cut off,"Wanna order a pizza?!" Cy asks loudly.
Everyone happily accepts the request,even Raven.
"BOOYAH!" He shouts out of excitement.
Everyone laughs. Cyborg orders pizza,we all stay up,watch Tv,and just hang out. It gets late,everyone starts heading to their hotel rooms,except Raven,who stays with me. She puts her head on my chest and cuddles up close,I put my arm around her,and I watch as she beautifully,yet slowly,drifts off to sleep.

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