Goro Majima : Minnie The Moocher

Start from the beginning

The next day swung round, and Majima had taken care of things in the warehouse. He had to find out where her big friend was hiding, if he was alive. Work wasn't until the evening, so he had some time to walk around the city and get some information, too.
Meanwhile, you were strutting around the city yourself, taking in the sights since you hadn't seen Sotenbori in the daytime. Kids from school were out, walking home and hanging around after class. Most of then gawped at you when they saw you, though that could have been the giant fur coat you were wearing rather than the fact you were an obvious foreigner. Strolling down from a gaudy supermarket, full of cheap tat, you noticed a commotion happening in front of you.
A Chinese man was yelping some sort of apologetic Japanese, which was difficult to catch. Two young men stood with him, one of them visibly shaken up.
"That was lucky, weren't it?"
"Yeah, I totally thought I was going to miss my girlfriend's birthday altogether!"
"Yeah, ya really coulda been toast, hadn't I shown up!"
That voice. Majima. You hung back a little, observing the sort of thing he did in the daytime when he wasn't at work.
"Uhh... Majima-san? I think there's a woman staring at you back there!"

'Uh oh,' you thought, eyes widening as you turned around, realising acting casual wasn't the answer, since you were THE ONLY FUCKING PERSON dressed like Cruella de Vil in Sotenbori.
Majima turned round, squinting at you with your back turned to him. You fumbled for a cigarette, lighting it quickly in order to make your city break more believable. You also wanted to look hot as fuck, but that was easy when you were who you were.
"The gal in the fur coat? Heh. She was probably checkin' me out," he projected. You rolled your eyes at his comment, closing your lighter with a clip. Biting your lip, you spun round and made direct eye contact, blowing smoke out as you waited for him to approach you. He turned to the kid, bidding him good luck before goodbye. "'S'alright, I know her. I should go. 'Fore she starts her wailin'."
"Thank you, Majima-san! I'm coming by here to pick up the necklace tomorrow, perhaps I'll see you then."
"Maybe. Later."

Majima was met with a sigh from your lips, the cigarette you were smoking pulled from them and ditched. Twisting your shoe in the dimp, it snuffed out quickly, but drew his attention to your legs.
"What was that about me checking you out?"
"Ya got yer legs on show, I'm gonna look at them."
"Hm. Ecchi, sketchy, perv," you joked. "What are you doing today, then?"
"Hangin' round. What about you?"
"Same. I've never seen this town in the daytime."
"Really? Yer kidding?"
"Nah. I ain't lying. Not this time." There was a comfortable quiet filled with other people's chatter, the pair of you strolling along the street, not really going anywhere. "So, what did you do to yourself?"
"What're you talking about?"
"Your knuckles. They're bust. They weren't when I saw you this morning. You been in a fight?"
"Oh. That... Yeah. I had a... Uh,' run in' with someone. He's like, a big massage guy or somethin'."
"Right..." you replied, a little weirded out by Majima. You weren't aware the massage parlours here catered to such a wide crowd. "Well, nevermind that, ya can still hold chopsticks, right?"
"Yeah. Don't worry 'bout me."
"Alright. What do you wanna eat?"

After a small argument about where to eat, you settled on yakisoba, sold at most noodle joints. Looking at you, Majima thought you looked rather out of place in a dingy little ramen shop. The trademark fur coat, the figure hugging dress, the costume jewellery. You looked more like you were going to some rich old man's party to dance to motown music, than you did a ramen place. Sitting at the plastic table, the pair of you smoked to pass the time, the one eyed slugger spending most of his time with his eye on you. You were sat so lazily, an expensive cigarette burning between your fingers. Standing out mostly to him, though, was a ring on your finger, which looked far too dear to have been bought by you. It became the topic of conversation, to fill the void as you waited for your food.
"Pretty ring ya got there. Where'd ya get it?"
"Why does it matter?" you smirked, giving it a glance over. "Jealous?"
"Ahh, I figured ya nicked it. C'mon then, who's was it?"
"It was given to me."
"Is it heavy?"
"Hm. Yeah. I only wear it because I like how it looks." Looking away with a cigarette in your gob, your speech was a bit muffled. "Don't really give a flying fuck 'bout the guy who gave it to me. That's what matters... Huh?"
Your food arrived, piping hot and smelling good. It barely lasted twenty minutes before your stomachs were full with delicious yakisoba. Handing over 10,000 yen for only two dishes, the restaurant were extremely grateful to accept the change.
Outside was becoming darker now, evening hitting.
"I gotta go soon. If I don't turn up at work they'll-"
"It's alright, I'll just hang out in the Grand for a while. I haven't been before."
You were dressed well enough to come in, but he wasn't sure it was a good idea for you to be seen in his workplace. That, and he had to treat you as a customer once you were in there.
"Can't ya just hang at my place and I'll come get ya?"
"Embarrassed by me are you, Majima-san?" you giggled.
"Ain't that. Once you're inside, I have to treat you like a customer. Which means ya gotta behave."
"Hm. Alright. Whatever. I'll see you later. Maybe near... Um... Odyssey?"
He agreed, leaving you to go and hang out someplace else until he was ready.

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