Kanalima kūmāwalu

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Hika pushes her mother towards one of the couches and sits beside her, feeling the flames on her back snuff out. She sags against the back of the couch, leaning against her mother's side. Hi'iaka is perfectly fine with this, she wraps her arm around Hika to pull her in even closer. After a moment she turns to look at her daughter, her gaze fixed on the crown.

"Why are you wearing that?"

Hika shrugs. "Because that's what it wanted to be?"

"What do you mean?"

Hika frowns slightly. "It shifts. It was a circlet before this, and before that it was a necklace. It seems to have settled in this crown."

She glances over at Jaak to find him grinning at her, his eyes bright. "I know a title for you now." Hika braces herself, Jaak hasn't been the best with potential titles. He laughs at her expression. "It's a good one, I promise."

"Your definition of good title and my definition of good title might be a bit different. But go for it, tell me."

"Phoenix Empress."

Hika frowns for a moment and then smiles. "That one is actually good, Jaak."

He sketches a bow from his sitting position. "I knew you would like it."

Hi'iaka gances between the two of them, frowning. She narrows her eyes at Jaak. "You came to Hawai'i once, didn't you? You were a few years younger than Hika is now."

"Jaak nods. "Yes, I did visit Hawai'i. I was . . . ten, I think?"

Skadi pipes up from the other room. "You were eleven, Jaak!"

He laughs, shaking his head. Hi'iaka smiles, looking between Hika and Jaak."You two seem to be very close."

Hika looks at Jaak, flushing. "We've been through quite a bit together."

Jaak glances down at the floor and she can see him contemplating something. Hika leans forward, but she freezes when Jaak speaks, his voice is quiet. "It's my fault that Hika died."

Hika jumps to her feet, not caring about the wings that burst from her back as she glares at Jaak. "It is not your fault! If it is anyone's, it is Loki's, and only halfway."

Jaak scowls back at her. "I'm not sure I believe your assessment."

"I think it's up to me to decide who's fault it is."

Jaak raises an eyebrow at her but stays silent. Without the sound of their raised voices, Hika can hear the soft sound of crackling flames. Jaak hears it too and extends his hand towards Hika. A flash of ice shoots from his hand and Hika whirls to see the ice envelop a patch of flame sitting behind her. Hika winces at it, realising that her wings had reappeared and set the fire.


Hika reaches towards the frosty patch, dodging her mother's hand to make contact. The ice instantly turns into blue flames and Hika scoops them up, nestling them on her lap as she sits back down. Hi'iaka stares at the flame, her eyes bright in surprise.


Hika shrugs. "Our magic is compatible."

Her mother stares at the icefire for a moment longer before she stands. "Could I speak with your parents, Jaak? Privately."

Jaak nods and points towards the other room. Hi'iaka rises to her feet and walks in that direction, leaving the two young gods to sit in silence. Hika frowns at Jaak, sticking her tongue out at him. He returns the gesture, accompanied by a figure of frost to dance over her skin. Its feet quickly begin to turn a darker blue and Hika laughs, trying to send a figure back towards him.

One does form, but fire flares from around it, causing the figure to look like a ghost as it dances through the air. Jaak responds with another figure and they are soon laughing, creating tiny armies to engage in war with each other. They are so engrossed with their battle that they don't even notice when their parents emerge. Despite that, Hika looks up when a hand rests on her shoulder. She looks up to see her mother frowning down at her.

"What is it?"

"We're going home."

Hika's brow furrows. "But why?"

"Because you almost died and you got into far too much trouble while you were supposed to just be meeting the pantheons. So we're going. Perhaps in a few years you can continue your travels."

Hika twists to stare at Jaak with wide eyes. She doesn't want to leave yet, especially not if it means she'll be leaving him behind. He stands, watching Hika. "Is there any chance I can come with you?"

Hi'iaka frowns, her hand tightening briefly on Hika's shoulder. "I suppose you can, but-"

Both of Jaak's parents step forward, Skadi frowning at him. "Jaak, you can't go away again so soon-"

Loki nods in agreement. "I just got you back, the right way. I'm myself again. You can't leave again, not so soon after things were fixed."

"Except I want to go, Pappa. For over a century, I have kept away to keep others safe, I have gone places to keep others safe. Everything I have done, it has been because I had to. Now, I can finally do something I want to do for the first time since I was a child. Are you really going to refuse me that? I'll be back when Hi'ilani starts traveling again, I promise." He smiles softly, shrugging. "Besides, I'm sure that there is a lot more to figure out about our icefire."

Skadi frowns, touching her dark braid. "Are you sure?"

"Of course I am. Please, Mamma. Let me do this."

Skadi sighs. "I can't stop you. You haven't needed me for over a century now. You've proved that."

Jaak smiles sadly. "I'll always need you, Mamma. I love you."

"Go, Jaak."

Jaak nods and turns to Hika, who smiles at him. After a few short hugs from Jaak to his parents, albeit the one with Loki being slightly hesitant, Jaak returns to Hika and they start to walk towards the opening in the stone. The small group makes their way outside to the storm, where lightning begins to flash once more. As her mother pulls her in close, Hika reaches her hand out to Jaak. He takes it and steps closer just as lightning flashes down to strike Hi'iaka, the light flashing from the bolt enveloping them.


Kanalima kūmāwalu = fifty-eight, when counting

What do you think of Jaak choosing to go to Hawai'i with them? What do you think of this ending? Tell me your thoughts!

I hope you enjoyed this story and happy reading!

~ Goddess of Fate, signing out

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