Iwakālua kūmakolu

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Hika takes note of the interesting phrase but doesn't think much of it, unnerved by the way the man has lowered his hands to look at Jaak through half-blinded eyes, Jaak still staring between them. Jaak's throat bobs as he swallows and tears his eyes away from the man for a moment, still keeping one eye on him. He's wary of the other man too but he seems to be more interested in Hika at the moment.

"What's going on, Hi'ilani? What are you doing?"

Not sure if she wants to risk her wound opening further by talking, Hika lifts a small ball of starlight into the air close to her face, highlighting the blood staining her hands. Jaak's gaze flickers down to the pool of blood at her feet and then then the knife lying in the snow by the other man just before he launches towards Hika.

Jaak flies across the snow faster than the wind, his eyes wide with panic. The other man moves to take a step towards Jaak, only for the boy to snarl at him at the same time as Hika lets a burst of heat through the cuffs, making the man wince.

"Don't you dare move."

The other man stills and Jaak looks forward again at Hika, frost curling from his fingers as he pulls her hand away. He mutters under his breath as the wound is revealed, clearly trying to distract himself. Her as well, actually, based on the level of his voice.

"Couldn't you have cauterized this?"

Jaak presses his hand against the wound, ice coating the gash in Hika's skin and sealing the blood inside. The frost doesn't hurt, not like the other man's did. It's just cool against her skin, soothing the pain now that her adrenaline is fading slightly. Hika opens her mouth and croaks out what she needs to say, her voice raw.

"I couldn't use my flame, he froze it. It'll have to thaw before I can use it again."

Jaak turns to the other man, throwing his hands up into the air and glaring daggers. "What in the nine realms possessed you to attack her?!"

The other man swallows, suddenly looking vulnerable. "Jaak . . ."

Jaak holds up a hand. "No. You're not defending yourself. There is nothing you could possibly say that could be a good reason for this. Nothing."

Hika looks between the two men, careful to keep her blood-smeared hands from touching her cold-weather clothing. "Is there something I'm missing? Who is he and why did he try to kill me?"

Jaak's words are bitter, angry. "This is Loki, the Norse trickster god. He has mastered both ice and flame as well."

"Why is he here?"

Jaak sighs. "He's . . . he's my father."

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Does my parentage really matter right now or would you prefer to focus on the fact that he almost just killed you?"

"Fair point. Why is he trying to kill me?"

Jaak frowns at Loki. "Answer her question."

Loki's eyes are wide and pleading, in contrast with his cruel actions of earlier. "She was going to kill you."

Hika's mouth falls open as she momentarily forgets the wound at her neck. "Why would I try to kill him? He saved my life!"

Jaak shakes his head. "Don't bother, he thinks everything I encounter is trying to kill me. Everything. I would never have thought he would end up here, it's been centuries."

"So I have terrible luck then."

"Perhaps." Jaak turns to Loki, who is still standing unmoving in the snow, glowing cuffs encircling his wrists. "How did you find me?"

Loki glances at Hika, his gaze hard, but it softens when he looks at Jaak again. "I heard your name."

Jaak curses underneath his breath, turning away. "Of course. It hasn't been spoken in my vicinity for over a century because I took a new name. You are tracking my name of all things." Jaak spins back around to glare at his father. "Why are you so set on this? Why can't you leave me be? You're hurting innocent people!"

Loki frowns, shooting another glare at Hika. She swallows, unsure why he loathes her so much when he's only known her for five minutes, most of which consisted of a dagger being held to her throat.

"None of them are innocent, they're all trying to hurt you. I'm just trying to protect you."

"I don't need your protection, Pappa. Go. Leave this place."

With another glance at Hika, Loki disappears, the starlight cuffs staying in his place. Hika quickly pulls their light back into her pendant and turns to Jaak, swallowing.

"Should we go inside?"

Jaak nods, suddenly looking exhausted. "I think that would be a good idea. You probably want to get that blood off of you."

They both turn to go inside the hill, Hika glancing back at the dark woods, scanning for any sight of Loki. There is nothing there, just tall trees and shadow. Feeling the sheet of ice against her throat press into her skin, Hika swallows and steps into the hill, painfully aware of the wound.


Iwakālua kūmakolu = twenty-three, when counting

What do you think of the ice bandage? Did you expect the man to be Loki? Did you expect him to be Jaak's father? Why do you think Loki thought Hika was going to kill Jaak? Why does he think everyone wants to kill Jaak? Tell me your thoughts!

Happy reading and I'll see you next chapter!

~ Goddess of Fate, signing out

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