Kanahā kūmāono

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When they step from the world tree into the land of Hel, they step into a world not unlike Earth, the colors more muted here. The plants are skeletal and eerie but they do grow. The world is quiet, still. There isn't even a hint of sound. Hika frowns, speaking to Jaak in a hushed whisper.

"Where exactly are we?"

Jaak responds in turn. "The land of the dead, my sister's subjects."

"It doesn't look bad."

Jaak frowns at her, his expression tinged with anger. "Why would it? Everyone dies someday, even us. There must be somewhere that we go. Why would it be a bad place?"

Hika looks down at the ground. "You're right. I'm sorry, it's just . . . every story I've heard of the underworld describes it as a dark place. My people don't have many stories of this so I have to rely on what the humans know. I know that information isn't entirely accurate, but it's what I know. It's hard to change what you believe when you find that what you have known is wrong."

"I suppose that's true. Come, let's go find my sister."

Hika follows Jaak into the heart of Hel, passing people with ashen skin stretched tight over their faces, highlighting the bones of their skulls. They chatter back and forth to each other but Hika hears nothing but ringing silence. Someone steps in front of them and Hika almost doesn't take notice. She wouldn't have, except for the fact that when the young woman speaks, Hika can hear her.

"What brings you here?"

Hika comes to a stop in shock but Jaak keeps going, dipping his head to the young woman. "Greetings, Sister."

The woman turns to more fully face them and Hika swallows back a gasp. The side of her face that had been previously facing them is whole and smooth, the face of a living person. Her hair is the color of sunlight, contrasting with the moon-white hair framing the other side of her face. The differences are stark even among her hair, where the two shades are seemingly quite close.

The other half of her face is like the face of the dead, faintly blue-tinted lines covering the white skin stretched over the bones of her face. The eye on that side of her face is full of midnight black flames compared to the soft green of her other eye. The woman is half alive, half dead, and Hika has heard the stories of her existence. This young woman is Hel.

Hel gapes at Jaak in shock, wringing her hands together. She glances at the older woman that stands behind her, then back to Jaak, like she doesn't know what to do. The dead woman touches Hel's shoulder gently and Hel drops her hands to her sides. She fists the cloth of her skirt for a moment before she lets go, clearly not sure what to do with her hands.

"Jaak? Is that you?"

Jaak smiles, stepping forward to touch his sister's hands. She takes the cue and holds his in her own as he speaks. "I missed you, Hel."

Hel snorts. "That's nonsense. You barely ever see me, I can't go up to the other worlds often."

"Yet we still managed to make it work. It's been over a century, Hel. Am I not permitted to miss you?"

"Of course you are. When did you return to Norge?"

"A few weeks ago."

Hel smiles and reaches forward to tousle her brother's dark hair. "I'm a bit surprised, I thought you were never coming back, what with our Pappa's actions."

"That's the thing. He's the reason I did come back."

Hel frowns. "Come, let's find somewhere more comfortable to have this conversation. I'm sure you would prefer to not be standing the entire time."

Jaak laughs. "You guessed correctly, Sister."

Hel turns to the older woman for a moment. "Could you take care of things at the hall for a while?"

The woman dips her head and walks away from them, down the path. Instead of following her, Hel steps toward the side of the path, where a pile of boulders lies. Jaak follows, Hika a step beside him.

Hel's steps slow for a heartbeat and Hika frowns. Does she sense something bad? But Hel is at her original pace again within a blink of an eye. Hika must have been imagining things. Hel moves to sit on one of the stones.

Its surface melts and reshapes slightly, forming a seat. Hel settles onto the stone with ease, patting one of the other stones. It reshapes at her touch, forming a longer seat. Jaak sinks onto the stone, positioning himself closer to his sister and leaving Hika plenty of room. Hel smiles at her brother.

"How could our father be the reason for your return?"

"He found me where I lived in Russia."

Hel makes a sound in the back of her throat. "Russia, brother? Really?"

Jaak lifts a brow. "Is there something wrong with Russia?"

"No, I just wouldn't have thought you would choose Russia. Perhaps somewhere else in Scandinavia, but not Russia."

"And Father would have expected the same, Hel. So I went to Russia."

Hel nods, frowning thoughtfully. "Have you made a name for yourself in their stories, little brother?"

Jaak beams. "They call me Morozco. Although . . . they often depict me an old man in stories."

Hel snorts, her body shaking with laughter. "You can't be serious!"

Jaak sticks his tongue out her, flushing. Hel laughs harder, the sound chiming and bright in this gray land. Hika smiles at the two siblings and shifts in her seat, only for Hel to stop laughing and frown in Hika's direction for a heartbeat before she looks away.


Kanahā kūmāono = forty-six, when counting

What do you think of my introduction of Hel? What do you think Hel is reacting to? What do you think of Jaak and Hel's interactions? What's going to happen next? Tell me your thoughts!

Happy reading and I'll see you next chapter!

~ Goddess of Fate, signing out

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