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"Ash com'on!" my brother, Christian yelled as the mutants trailed behind us. I ran as hard as I could, mutants still catching up to us. I climbed up a ladder on a tall building. Christian climbed behind me. I heard a scream. I looked down at Christian. He shrugged. I kept climbing. When we got to the top I look down at a girl getting eaten by a mutant. "Ash look out!" Christian exclaimed jumping infront of me getting bit by a mutant. I grabbed my knife and jabbed it in the head. I grabbed Christian in my arms. "No no. You're gonna be fine," I said. Tears slipped down my cheeks as he looked up at me. He cupped my cheek. "It's okay, Ashley," he said. I sobbed. "You know I hate being called that," I said tears rolling down my cheeks. He half smiled at me. "Ash listen to me," He said. I wiped my cheeks and nodded. "You have to survive no matter how hard it gets. Survive for me. I believe in you," he said. Looked at his features. His long black hair and his piercing blue eyes. He let his last breath out and I cried into his chest. I got up and drove my knife into his head. "It's all my fault," I breath.

I awoke with a jolt. I sat up in my sleeping bag on the floor. "Just a nightmare," I say to myself. These nightmares keep getting more and more vivid. I grabbed my backpack and took a water bottle out. I took a drink and lied down on my side. I thought more about Christian. A tear slipped down my cheek.

I got up when the sun finally rose. I grabbed my backpack and slung it over my shoulders. I grabbed my machete. I took the boards down from the door. I held my machete close checking for mutants. I walked out the door and ducked behind a car. I walked slowly and quietly, listening for any movement. I heard a snapping sound. My muscles tightened in fear. I held my machete up, ready to kill. I peeked over the car. A man stood there gun pointed up waiting for something to shoot. I ducked back down. I don't plan on being killed today. I slowly moved my way around the car. The man walked away. "Clear," I heard him say over a walkie-talkie. "Yeah," another replied. "All clear," someone said. I need to get back inside. I quickly, but quietly made my way back to the house. I went in the back door and upstairs to the room I was staying in. I quietly boarded up the door again. I looked down at the street from a small hole I left in the boards over the window. I looked down at the man I saw earlier. He had spiky brown hair. He was wearing a dirty sweatshirt and a pair of jeans. He had his gun held up still waiting for a kill. I sighed maybe he won't check the houses. I sat down on my sleeping bag and pulled a book from the shelf. I can't go out there, so I might as well do something fun. I heard a door downstairs open. I put the book down and put my stuff in the closet. I grabbed my machete and got in the closet. I looked through the shutters in the closet doors. I held my machete tight. I heard the knob turn on the door. "This one's locked, Will," someone said. "Stand back," another said. There was a bang on the door. Another then another. The door finally swung open. Three men walked in. The one I saw earlier was looking around. A man with blond hair was looking through the drawers in the dresser. The other on had black hair and was looking under the bed and in the desk drawers. The one I saw earlier was coming towards the closet. I held my machete tight. I sunk back into the closet waiting for my time to strike. I took a long breath One... Two... Three!

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