Chapter Two

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School is the biggest shit hole in the world. I made my way to the office to fetch my papers. When I got there,the secretary was on her phone.

"Excuse me?"I asked.
"Gimme a second please"she said.

I looked around well eating when I noticed her name was Mrs. Cole. You would think the name would be beautiful as the person. Turns out not so.

"How may I help dear"Mrs. Cole said.
"I'm looking for my locker number and schedule please"I said.
"You must be Cyrus"she said

All I did was smile. I watched as she searched through her messy table looking for my things.

"Ahh,here you go. For someone who eats a lot you don't seem to gain weight"she said winking.

I chuckled and thanked her. Shit I'm late!!! I run to my locker,when I found it I shoved everything in. As I was running I noticed that I had maths first period.

Just fucking great! I'm 15 minutes late. I knocked and waited.

"You may enter"someone said.

Well that's very formal. Wonder who this high and mighty person is. I'm about to find out I guess.

"Good morning sir. So-"
"You must be Cyrus. No problem at all,you must have gotten lost"he said.
"My name is Mr. Michael. Please take a seat next to Rebecca. Rebecca please raise your hand"Mr. Michael said.

I turned and made my way to the raised hand.

"So what did I miss?"I asked her.
"Well you are straight forward I see"she said.
"Yup"I said nodding my head, sinking deeper into o my chair.
"His just asking everyone to introduce themselves"Rebecca said.

How lame. I could be at home now sleeping instead I have to come to this shit hole everyday for the next year. What's the point of school when there are people who get jobs without an education not that I want to be like one of them. I'm just saying.

"Cyrus,it's your turn"Mr. Michael said.
"What am I suppose to say?"I whispered to Rebecca.
"I don't know,he asks the questions"she said shrugging.

I stood up waiting for the questioning. I noticed he was going through my file. Looks like a personal attack will be happening now.

"It says here that you are originally from Portland,Oregon. You don't look like one of them"he said.
"Is there a stereotype for someone from Portland"I said.
"I suppose not. Your parents are divorced I see,mind telling us why"Mr. Michael says.

Well his one nosey son a bitch. I don't like people preying their way into my business.

"With all due respect,it's none of your damn business and if you can't ask me questions not regarding my past then I'll take a seat"I said sitting down putting my legs on the table.

This is already starting to piss me off. Not only do my whole class know but soon everyone will know. Oh well,I'm ready for a fight. So come at me bitches!!!

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