Chapter 14: It's Real

Start from the beginning

"Yeah. It's a chance for me to see your closet," I accepted her offer with a hug that she tensed up a second, before warming up to it.

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Toni finally turned off the cars engine. I was about to open the car door when Tony stopped me, "Andy," she glanced up to me, "Do you like Sweet Pea?"

I froze. Shocked that the girl next to me would ask me that, but I worry that the she may have feelings for the Serpent as well. "I don-"

"Please don't lie to me Andy. You can trust me," she grabbed my hand to comfort me as she sees me stare ahead of the dashboard.

"Toni, we kissed last night. We almost had sex, but I stopped," gushed out the events that happened the night before.

"You stopped? Why," she questioned, her voice filled with curiosity. This was the first time she ever heard of a girl rejecting to sleep with her Serpent friend and she was confused as to why this girl wouldn't be like the rest of the women.

I turned to face Toni, I gave her a sadden look, "I can't be one of them. A one night stand or a booty call with him. I think I'm starting like him. When I first saw him, a spark lit inside me for some reason and when I'm in a room with him I have butterflies in my stomach...but I know he doesn't see more than just a Lodge and his chemistry partner."

Tony unbuckled her seat belt to pull me in a side hug, "You don't give yourself much credit. Sweets notices you Andy, and yeah he may not be someone who does relationships, but I can see that you're not like all the girls he brings back to his trailer. Trust me when I say that he sees you though."

She turned to get out of the car first, bag in her hand, while she left me in the car. She saw I needed a couple minutes to gather myself. I just told someone that I have feelings for Sweet Pea. This is real. Damn I really hope this doesn't end up with heartbreak.

Before Toni opened the school's doors she turns towards me for a glance, "Oh that reminds me I'll pick you up from Pea's at five to get ready at my place."

"Wait pick me up from his place?" I questioned before the realization hit me, like a ton of bricks.

"Yeah. He told me you two have to work on the Chemistry project today."

Well shit. So much for avoiding him for the day.

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