Chapter 16 - Edited

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It had been three weeks since the Moonstone Elite Pack had arrived at the Silver Light Pack. Alpha Damon had brought over a physical therapist and a neurologist from his own pack; both were the best in their fields. But Ava was not getting any better. She still had trouble walking, she even had trouble standing up on her own. Specialist after specialist were brought in to assess Ava, but no one knew what was wrong.

The packs were starting to get very anxious about the state of Ava. She started out as their biggest hope and now the more time went on, they worried that they would be overrun by the evil that was moving closer to them.

Don pushed Ava as hard as he could while all the pack watched on. She was humiliated every single day but kept fighting because she knew it was expected of her. Her legs wouldn't work and that frustrated her. When she tried to move them, her upper body started to ache until she couldn't pull her body a long by her arms.

Erys watched her daughter struggle and prayed. She noticed a lot of the pack would  heckle Ava as she went through all the movements the PT put her through. Each day she tried and tried again until she was burnt out. Many times, Ava had falling over from exhaustion, unable to continue that they had to carry her back to her hospital room.

The packs were at there wits end. What were they supposed to do with this useless were? If she couldn't walk, she sure as heck couldn't fight. She was becoming a burden to all of them. She could feel the pity from all the pack members around her that she stopped looking any one in the eye.

Erys knew that the one thing that they all had to keep watch of was Ava's mental state. With so many setbacks and without even an inkling that she was getting any better, could turn her sweet fighter into something else entirely; bitter, sad, and angry.

As Ava fell again, exhausted from her twenty-second PT session, Erys could see the strain around her daughter's eyes and the blankness in her stare as she looked up at the physical therapist.

Ava hardly got angry anymore or fought back when they pushed her so hard. When that happened, she just lay on the ground unmoving until someone took pity on her and lifted her up and took her back to her room.

It looked as though her daughter was starting to give up hope of ever being the same girl she was only a few months ago.

When Ava fell for the third time that morning, the PT bent down and whispered in her ear something that made her laugh sardonically. Her laughter seemed to get louder and louder as the PT kept talking to her.

Erys watch as the strain around her daughter's eyes got deeper and her face started to warp, becoming more sinister in nature. Her next words could be heard throughout the training room.

"Just leave me the FUCK alone!"

Ava's body started to crack as if it were made of porcelain. The PT's eyes widened before he scurried backward watching in awe as Ava's body began to slowly crack light as her body started to imitate what her mind was doing. Splintering.

"Don!" Erys screamed, pointing towards her daughter.

Don swore loudly and told everyone to find shelter before he watched in awe as Ava exploded into tiny pieces.

Silence rang throughout the room as the packs came out slowly to see what happened to Ava.

No one spoke as they saw tiny light particles like stars throughout the room. The room was a sports field size, and the light filled every single part of it.

Erys walked towards her husband as tears rang down her face. There was nothing she could do for her daughter. She had tried so hard to stay strong for them. She tried to keep it together. But she guessed that that amount of pressure and power within one person was too much and the pressure to perform had finally got to her. She did the only thing she could of and destroyed herself so that no one could see how badly she had to fight. But now the secret was out.

Ava was losing control, hope and the last strands of sanity that her mind was trying to hold onto had snapped.

We will lose her if this keeps going.

Alpha Damon walked into the training area, his mouth slightly agape. He felt the shift in power, but this left him in such awe. What had they done to her?

We broke her, didn't we? Damon asked his wolf Dimitri.

Yes. Was all his wolf said before he too walked back into the darkness of Damon's mind.


Copyright © All Rights Reserved 2020 for NeoNixButterfly21/Christine


Glossary: PTs is a shortened term for physical therapist.


~Thanks for reading and being patient with me.  Now a message from my characters. ~

"I can't believe this is happening. Why are they pushing me so hard? Can't they see that right now I am useless."

"You're not useless, or broken or any other crap like that." Artemia said.

"Then, how would you describe it?"

"Tired. Sleepy. Don't you just want to sleep all the time? I mean, I do."

"Ha! If I could, then I would. But you see what they keep doing to me?"

Ava was silent a moment as she looked at her wolf that seemed to be outside of her body for some reason.

"Where do you think we are?"

"Who knows? You did this not me. Now we are stuck in some place I have never been."

A derisive laugh could be heard in the distance.

"We know where you are Ava and Artemia."

"'s that annoying voice again. The mocking one."  Artemia chimed.

"Fine we won't tell you where you are then. You are just going to have to wait patiently like all the rest of the people reading this."

Ava shook her head and tried not to laugh. This whole thing was starting to get ridiculous.

~That's it for now. Comment below if you like this chapter or give it a star. Every little bit helps. Thanks. ~

Copyright © All Rights Reserved 2020 for NeoNixButterfly21/Christine

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