Chapter 14 - Edited

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Massive killings went unnoticed as dark shadows roamed North America. They killed silently and only left bodies that were strewn along in pieces.

They were unidentifiable to the local police department and no one knew who or what was killing people all over the city.

Men from werewolf packs from all over, watched along side the humans as the carnage of dead weres was on display for all to see.

One female werewolf stood in with the humans. The werewolves could all smell each other among the humans. Each one snuck out slowly, the female werewolf the last to leave. One male werewolf stopped in front of her.

"JoJo? What the heck are you doing here?"

JoJo looked up at the man whose hand was firmly clasped around her right wrist.

"I had to see for myself. I had to see what we were facing. It's worse than I thought, Malcom."

"It doesn't matter. Everything is being seen to, you need to go home and stay with your mother. We all know how Ludia can be when she's worried about her children." Malcom gave JoJo a knowing look. Ludia could be a mad she-wolf if her children were involved.

"She's my step-mother, Malcom, there's only so much she will do for me then she would for Damon."

"No, that's not what I see. What we all see. Your mother doesn't see blood, JoJo. She only sees love and who she loves. Why do you think she goes crazy if one of you are in trouble? Did you know she is driving the rest of the Elite Pack mad with her preparations and demands? It's because she knows what's coming. She's been through war like this before. She doesn't want to see any of her children on any "death list". Trust me." Malcom took one more look at JoJo. Wrapping a large arm around her shoulders, he pulled JoJo close and started walking towards the safety of the envoys.

JoJo looked behind her, the crowd to the murder was getting bigger. More police officers were being brought in to help with the now huge gathering of people. Malcom squeezed her shoulder firmly. She turned around and continued on to the Elite's Pack transport. They were going to her brother, to help him anyway they could. JoJo hoped she could be of help to her brother.  

She wasn't as strong or as powerful as other werewolves, but she tried her best in everything that was ever asked of her. The pack saw that in her as well and no one ever commented to her that she should train harder or seek out specialised help.

It didn't help with her insecurities though. They were still at the forefront of her mind. She just had to constantly fight against them.

They got in the two black envoys that were parked along the street, starting the engines they pulled onto the street and headed in the direction of the Silver Light Pack's lands.

There she would see her brother, and that is when the war would finally begin.


A/N - Thank you to @jojoandbabes for the inspirational character. I hope you like the start to JoJo's journey. :)

Copyright © All Rights Reserved 2020 for NeoNixButterfly21/Christine

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