Epilogue - Edited

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5 years later...

Ava walked into the Kings office wearing her armour and pulled off her helmet letting her silver and gold hair fall down her back. The King looked up at his daughter-in-law, hiding his pride behind a stoic expression and waited for her to speak; a lot had changed in the last five years.

"The Northern lands have been overrun with rogues. The packs are moving together to push them back down the mountain ranges and into the swamp lands."

Zachariah nodded before he stood to pour himself a drink. They had both come a fair way in the last five years. Ava had gotten her powers more under control and was better at controlling her emotional outbursts.

"What's the plan going forward?" He asked.

"Moving forward, Admiral Lucius, wants to drive the rogues further into the inner lands and cut them off from coming down the mountain again."

Zachariah sipped his drink slowly before sitting back down.

"Good, good." He said, "Are you home now or are you going back out?"

Ava smiled, "Yes, I'm back for tonight only, then I go back out."

"Thank you, Captain Genrich, I will see you at dinner."

Ava turned and left the room.

Just outside the King's office, Ava saw Artemia and her mate walking together down the hall towards the dinning room. She followed and heard her mate laughing with his family. Ava disengaged her armour so that she wore comfortable jeans and a teal sweater.

She entered the room to cheers and shouts. She hurried over to her mates side and kissed his cheek before sitting down beside him and being served a large hot meal.

Her father sat in front of her talking to Raoul's mother Vittoria. While Damon, Hamish and Hamish's mate, Vivienne talked exhuberanting a few more seats down the table. They all smiled at her and welcomed her back, but Ava sensed something growing deep with Vivienne.

She saw in her minds eye a tiny baby boy that was in front of a tiny baby girl and knew the pair were having twins. She smiled to herself and laid her head to rest on Raoul's shoulder. Hamish looked down the table at her and asked.

"What's up, kiddo?"

Ava merely shook her and laughed out loud, surprising the full table with her joy. Hamish and the table waited for Ava to speak.

"Well, congratulations are in order!" Ava smacked the table loudly on the word "order".

"For what, Ava?"

"Twins! You're having twins!"

Ava looked between the two parents and saw their shock.

"Oooh...were you waiting to tell people? Did I ruin the surprise?"

"No, no, no...we are not having twins!" Vivienne chimed.

"Umm...well...the Goddess just showed me two little babies wrapped around a little glowing light. A boy and a girl." Hamish paused mid-air on his third bowl of mashed potatoes and three meat stew.

"Shut up!" he exclaimed.

Ava started laughing and spooned hot food into her mouth. The rest of hall burst out laughing, yelling congratulations to the happy couple.

"Why would I shut up? I just got here."

Raoul chortled quietly next to her.

"I can't be having twins, Ava, take that back." Vivienne exclaimed.

"I can't take back what has been created by mates, that would be gross...Ham sandwich and I just never got that far." Ava joked.

Raoul pulled Ava closer and kissed her neck with a promise of retaliation. Ava jabbed her mate in the side with her elbow.

"Promises. Promises." she whispered.

"To the happy couple!" Damon said. "Better you than me."

Ava laughed loudly again.

"I wouldn't be too sure about that, Damon."

Damon pouted at Ava and gave her a friendly middle finger, which she replied by magically pulling his underwear higher up his hips. Damon swore and stood up to rip his underwear from his butt crack.

"I just saw a witch that had your name tattooed to her arse."

Damon balked, his skin going a strange shade of grey.

Ava piled more potatoes onto her plate and heaped caesar salad into a bowl. She was enjoying the banter and the fact that she got to tease so many of her friends again that were no longer afraid of her.

They had really come along way. Maybe in a year of two they would start their own family, but for right now, she was working to make their Kingdom as safe as it could be for all. That even meant for the rogues they had chased out of the mountains.

For now, they would enjoy eternity together in peace.

The End.

Copyright © All Rights Reserved 2020 to NeoNixButterfly21/Christine

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