Chapter 49 - Edited

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Ava woke to a loud commotion just outside her tent.

"Hurry! It's coming down!" a man yelled.

"Bring the support!" a woman yelled.

"Bring the witches their potions! Hurry!"

Potions? Ava wondered.

It's to help them restore their life force. Artemia said. It's about time you woke up. The barrier is about to come down and the battle as well. Artemia was looking at her corporeal state.

Ava gulped visibly before she got up and went to a wash basin and filled it with the jug of warmed water that was next to it. It brought back memories of being with the fae. She washed and dried her face and body quickly before stepping over to her armour and putting it on. The armour was enchanted with magic so that when the shifters needed to change the armour would move with them. Ava's armour was gold, silver and had detailing in rose gold. She liked how the armour and boots protected her enough but left enough room for her to move comfortably in. She attached her long sword, short sword and dagger to her waist belt and thigh and went out to meet the madness.

Otherworlders met her eyes quickly before they hurried to their battle stations. She let her power out to find her mate and felt him at the entrance of the barrier. The barrier was a good three kilometres (1.86 miles) away from the encampment which meant she had a ways to walk. It also meant that the battle could be directed in the other direction to make sure that it didn't endanger any of the men and women that weren't fighting.

Ava turned as she exited the encampments protection barrier and reach up to touch it. It glowed as her finger met the barrier and she saw that it came up filmy and elastic before turning iridescent and disappearing again.

Ava saw the witches protections had doubled again and her family, old and new, were assisting anyway they could to make sure the barrier didn't come down until they were ready for it to. Ava moved through the group of witches and weres and went up to look closely at the barrier. It was a lot different then the one that was erected for protection. This barrier was erected to keep evil out and the light magic that had been accumulated to afix it was intangible. Ava closed her eyes and connected with the barrier. She could see its strengths, but also its weaknesses. Nyx was directly on the otherside just waiting for the barrier to disintergrate. It woudln't. Not as long as the witches on this side stayed true.

Ava breathed deeply inward and reached out for Artemis who twisted inside her body before stepping out of Ava to stand next to her, nose to the barrier. As one they both let out their gifts connect with the continuing of this barrier and also fuelling the other witches who were keeping it in place with enough energy to last them till morning. Ava turned back to the group and whispered softly, knowing they could all hear.
"A gift from my mother." Before she walked into the arms of her mate and watched the witches work.

The armies had started to position themselves ten kilomatres from the barrier. They were divided into five factions, witches, werebears, werewolves, otherweres and humans. The hours passed slowly, that the werecats were getting anxious and started fights within their factions. The werebears merely growled under their breaths to stop the petty fighting and turned back to the barrier.

Every sword, dagger, clawed armour and shield was doused in protective magic that could slice through anything that Nyx and her shapeshifters could throw at them. That is the only reason why the factions agreed on the fighting. If they had a chance to stay alive, it gave them a chance in battle to end the darkness that was trying to barrel through that barrier.
The werebears started to hum under their breaths an old battle song to the soothe the growing anxiety of the soldier. The bass of their voices joined, started soft before it flowed louder into a haunting song. It started soft and slow, just them before the whole faction joined in.

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