Chapter 18 - Edited

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Alpha Don walked among the tiny light specks that were supposed to be his daughter. The lights glowed like tiny stars taking up the entire training room. He walked around the room, turning his body slowly as he took everything in.

The power his daughter had was amazing, but it was becoming more trouble than it was worth.

"Ava, can you hear me?"

Of course, she can...maybe?

"You have to come back now. We need you here with us."

The light began to hum until the sound became so loud that he had to cover his ears.

"Ava! Stop this!"

The lights began to a timer.

"Ava?! Come back to us!" Don screamed. 

The light exploded outward knocking Don off his feet. He lay on the ground gasping for breath as the air was knocked out of him. He felt behind his head as it began to throb along with his ears and saw a tiny bit of blood.

That was all he remembered until everything began to go dark.


Tsk! Tsk! How long do you expect to stay here, child? How long do you expect to stay in the safety of my light?

As long as it takes.

For what? Until the war is over?

If that is what it takes.

Then, you will have no other purpose here and we will still have a war. Lives will be lost if you are not.

They expect too much from me.

Yes, and?

And? What is it that they want from me?

To live, maybe?

Then what? To keep going as we are. To keep fighting to...

No. Fight to change it.

Ava looked around her and then down at her hands which were now translucent. She wasn't shocked, strange things had continued to happen to her for awhile now. This was just another bit of icing on her unfortunate cake.

Where am I?

Where do you think you are, child?


A peal of laughter, the sound of wind chimes ran through what looked like a sunny meadow around them.

You are not dead. You are merely splintered into tiny soul fragments and it is time that you start mending yourself.

How am I supposed to do that?

Isn't it obvious?

Ava shook her head slowly.

The woman sighed her eyes going downward to look at her hands before her silver eyes pierced through Ava.

You must put yourself back together. Stop letting people run your life. Stop listening to the men in your pack and what they tell you to do. No warrior of mine was ever meant to listen to any man that wasn't her equal.

The men aren't going to like that. All they see me as is weak and helpless because my body is giving out with all that is happening to me.

It is only doing that because you fight against it. If you weren't so much like the one before you, I wouldn't even be telling you this. But I am very tired that things are beginning to repeat themselves again.

Who are you talking about?

The last ancient I put in charge of another war like the one you are facing. You see they to let fear and the judgement of others get in the way of what they always knew they were supposed to be. Stop letting the judgement and fear of others take over your life. It is what is making you so sick. You should have seen yourself as you splintered into tiny pieces before exploding all over the place. What is in you is tied to your emotions, so if you do not know how you are feeling, then your packs are going to go over your head on all your decisions. If you allow them to keep doing this, they are going to continue to see you as weak and helpless and that you cannot do what is expected of you. Instead, you become a liability.

Every time I try to show my true self all I see in return is fear and judgement. There is no one back there who will accept me for who I am and what I can do.

Yes, there is. Except you threw him into the ceiling. It was quite amusing actually.

Oh...him. Gross! He's too old.

He is only a few years older than Hamish.

Still...Ham sandwich is just as gross as the other old guy.

The woman chuckled her amusement.

If you are sure. The woman said demurely.

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