Chapter 40 - Edited

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Witches gathered underground in a stone building. Stone walls, stone pillars and stone floors that had carvings in the floor; stood quiet, setting an ominous feeling in the room.

A stone circle was in the centre of the room, carved into the stone so the ridge looked deep and shaped like a deep V.

Witches wearing gowns of white and gold walked around the room setting herbs and crystals around the room.

Candles were strewn around the room, some floated in the air, while others were situated on the ground giving the stone room a yellow glow.

A fire witch came forward to light the candles. Throwing her hand out, she pointed to the candles on the ground and let the fire erupt from her pointed finger. The candles flickered on at once. She did the same, but this time she pointed at the candles floating above them all. The witch walked out of the stone circle to continue with the preparation just as Ava and Artemia walked into the room as one.

Ava wore the same white and gold tunic that went all the way down past her ankles that had two slits up both sides from ankle to mid-thigh, giving her some ease to walk in the tunic that was too big for her.

The gold in the tunic was curve with the material to cover the areas on her chest and pubic area so that it created some modesty, but otherwise she was naked underneath. Her mother and sister-in-law tied bells on her ankles and wrist that chimed whenever she moved or walked. The tones was to give her a continuous cleansing so that the darkness that was attached to her would not cling so strongly as it did not like the pure tones the bells exuded.

Raoul walked a few paces behind his mate. They were to be married in the evening and he couldn't wait. He had waited for this moment for such a long time that being this close to his happiness was making him feel giddy inside.

His father had spoken to both him and Ava about the after effects of breaking the curse and he wasn't sure what to believe, however, he would know what to expect now.

He watched Ava walk towards the centre of the room, standing in the centre of the circle. They would begin as soon as the sun reached its highest peak. The light would be used to drive out the darkness as deep as it was they needed the strongest light they had. The sun.

Mera, an elemental witch, walked into the centre of the room. She was tall, slim with skin white as milk. She had long straight red hair the colour and richness of fire, deep green almond eyes, and a green tunic that fanned out around her when she moved. She had adorned herself with crystals and her rings but had now taken them off for the ritual. Her feet were bare, like the other witches who had started to move into their position around the circle.

The witches made two circles, one around the main ring and another to support the witches on the first ring. The breaking of such a curse was difficult and needed immense power from them all. Nyx was not someone who created magic that was half-arsed.

Mera walked toward Ava and Artemia slowly as they waited in the centre of the circle.

"I am going to ask you both to do the impossible."

Ava frowned, but waited for Mera to continue.

"You both have to merge back. Become one again." Mera smiled, kindly.

Ava looked at Artemia and waited. How? She asked Artemia.

I don't know.

"How do we merge back?"

"Imagine you are one again. The wolf is not supposed to be separate from the human for too long. Doing so shows great strength, but it also shows us, we witches, how separate the both of you actually are."

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