Chapter 35 - Edited

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Ava and Artemis walked with guards of other ancient werewolves towards a small clearing that was near Raoul's home.

Wolves had already made the journey north toward Estonia by helicopter and would continue to make the trip until all the ancient werewolves that lived in this region had left.

It had taken days to plan a clean transfer of the whole pack, but it was decided that they would all be safe back in their homeland. Someday they may return, but for now they had to go.

Ava and Artemia were one of the last ones to leave. Raoul had organised a military transport helicopter for them both with their guard. It was decided collectively that they would leave to keep the rest of the human population safe. The darkness would feel the shift and move with them. Darkness was like that, it followed where the light would lead.

Ava looked uncertain about where they were going, but she had been reassured many times that this journey was worth it. That it was the only place to get to where they were going.

She hadn't broken the curse yet and even that was kept under raps by her entire party. Raoul had left earlier with his beta, his mother, his sister and the rest of their family and only his most trusted kept close to his mate. She didn't like the situation. She didn't like being separated from him. She was just starting to get used to him.

Ava liked the wolves she was surrounded by. Had taken the time to get to know them and befriend them. They were slowly becoming part of her new family and she couldn't imagine any other way for her to live now. They all had families of their own and knew the risks if she and her wolf were to die. They didn't think anything bad was going to happen to them, but they were ready for anything.

As Ava and Artemis came into view of their transport, they started to feel the pressure about what was taking place. The air around them vibrated with their anxiety as well as their will to fight. Since their transformation, it seemed like they hadn't stopped fighting. Now as they were being moved, the fight was becoming that much clearer.

Artemia climbed into the helicopter, sitting in the middle of the transport to distribute her weight evenly. The others fell in on either side of her strapping into the attached seatbelts and seats.

Ava put on the headset she was given and spoke to the pilot about take off. Air was an easier way to travel then underground. The witches and fae perferred the underground because it kept them from view of the human population. They couldn't be themselves above ground unless surrounded by their own people.

The pilot took off quickly and headed directly to Estonia. They were going to be dropped off at the seaside and from there they would take boats to their next destination. Raoul had not been completely forthcoming about what was taking place, but he said that they were taking her and Artemia to their real home.

What dis that even mean?

The co-pilot, Demtri, turned to look at Ava and seeing her look of confusion smiled at her. He pointed to his own headset and started to explain what was happening.

"As you know Ava, we aren't from this world. We come here to help the younger equivalent of werewolves make it in this modern place, but it isn't where they truly come from. It is not where you truly come from. If humans were less afraid of us then we could all live as one here but that is not the case. They still fear what they cannot control or explain. It's not their fault, it is just the way they have been raised. Our kind continues to live in the shadows, watching and waiting for that right time." He smiled, sadly.

Artemia looked at Ava waiting for what was said to be repeated. 

We are a part of a world that is separate no matter how you look at it. Either here or in this place they originally came from.

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