Chapter 45 - Edited

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Zachariah and his Generals started organising the men of his world for battle. There were eight of them in the room all of them different species and they were just as dangerous as he was underneath. He was proud of them but knew that some of them would not be returning with him after the battle was over. A lot of the men in this room were too old to be partaking in another battle.

They had to reinforce their armies with enough magic to ensure that even half their people returned. However, all of that wouldn't matter if Ava had just played along with his plans. She had heavily disapproved of his plan. She had flung him against the brick walls of the dinning hall because she disagreed so strongly. It was time to try a different aproach with her. The truth.

A knock sounded on his office chamber doors, before it was opened unceremoniously with a loud bang.

A were of considerable height and weight walked into the room. He was clad from head to toe in armour that glinted in the sunlight. His hair was dishevelled in messy tuffs on his head and his beard was long and braided with beads, bone and precious metals.

"Captain, so good of you to join us."

Captain Muel nodded to the King and sat down in a high backed chair that looked like it would break under his enormous weight.

"You're welcome, ye' dickhorse! I had a lovely lady in my bed and this meeting is getting in the way of that."

Zachariah grimaced at his cousin, who started coughing under the Kings stern gaze.

"Other then that, Imma happy to be here!" He stood up, the chair making a loud groan and walked over to the table where the three dimensional map was hovering.

"Ahhh...the portal. Aye, Aye, the portal. You dunna want to have your fight near the portal. Too much magic around that area. It's better if the woman and her fiends come and meet us in battle and not the other way around. Give us the upper hand here. If we go to the portal, we go to our assured deaths." Muel grinned harshly and started to pace the room.

Grand Admiral Lucius looked at the Captain nodding in agreement.

"That is what we are trying to figure out."

"How long have you been here for?" Muel asked.

"Five hours since this morning." Lucius said.

"Well heck! The terrain around the portal is not ideal for a battle, which is probably why half of your men were killed. You have to move that battle away from the portal, at least twenty yards to get the upper hand. It may even be better if you brought the men back all the way over to this plain here. It's about five kilometres away from the portal and it will give us a fighting chance against the huge git Nyxxie." Muel pointed to the area he was talking about.

"If you had all the species congregate here to set up a base camp two kilometres away, it should give us all enough space to move around and end it."

Lucius marked the spots where Muel had been pointing and nodded his approval.

"This will definitely give us the upper hand. We can also place men, here and here, along the base of the mountains. She won't be expecting fifty-thousand men hidden. She will only see the men we put in the centre of the plain. It's not entirely a cat and mouse plan, but it will ensure that we will see what we are working with when the time comes."

Zachariah nodded.

"If Ava agrees to join the battle we will have her as the last line of defense. Nyx will be looking for her to end it as quickly as it started."

"We can have the most powerful witches as an extra line of defense to protect her and some earth mages to feel the vibrations Nyx and her fiends will be ommiting. They will be able to feel for the slitest of changes in power."

The men nodded and went to prepare their people for the battle. They had gather one hundred thousand men all up and would plan to have the soldiers come into the fight at a particular time. They anticipated that the "demons" created by Nyx would be relentless and they had to protect the kingdom to ensure that their people had enough time to get to safety if need be.

The next thing Zachariah had to do was talk to his son and his mate about the upcoming battle and prepare them for what was to come. The bloodshed and the guilt that came after. It was a heavy responsibility and he knew that all too well. But you did what you had to do when it was asked of you.


Ava looked out of the window to the library. Men, women, weres, witches moved tirelessly up and down the roads of the Kingdom preparing for the upcoming battle. She knew it was going to be bad. A lot of casualties were to be expected, but to Ava that suggested that if they didn't win this battle, then the people here would all perish.

Whenever she walked the halls of the castle she saw maids whisper about her. They didn't realise that their voices carried. They wondered if she would join them. Protect them, as she was the Goddess daughter. She didn't like being responsible for anyone but herself. She learnt in the past no matter what she did to protect them, they would always be afraid of the the power she welded. They would want her now, but later when the battle was finally over, would anyone want her around then?

Her family surely didn't. The only person that seemed to want to have her around was her mate; and even that was up in the air right now.

Raoul was fighting off every member of council, military and family member to convince Ava to join them, but he would never force her. He was worried though. He wondered if they survive this. Would they make out alive? Would one of them die? She felt his distress every moment she was with him. The only peace either of them got was when they were in bed together.

Ava felt the door to the library open and close. She felt her mate come up behind her, the worry emanating off of his was palpable. She turned around to meet and looked into his pale face. His eyes shone with worry, furry and resignation. He had come to a decision. He was mad about it, but the decision had been made.

"I'm joining the battle."

Ava nodded. She knew that would be his decision. She was in his head as much as he was in hers.

"And I'm coming with you."

Raoul nodded. One would go and the other would always follow. That was what true mates did. Even if it led to their death.


In the otherworld...

Nyx looked at the portal with furry. Some witch had blocked her entry! She screamed in fury and beat the portal with her power. Blackened beings hit the portal wall to a the distress of their mistress and couldn't get through. She cursed the King and vowed to rip his spine clean from his body.

After she killed every last one of them she would have enough power to go after the moon goddess and take the power for herself once and for all. They wouldn't stop her now. Her plan was coming together. All the pieces she had laid neatly in a row were in place. Now all she needed was the damn portal to open.

She threw her black fire one last time at the blocked portal and turned away in anger. This just postponed the inevitable and fuelled her fury. She would not let them get away with insulting her like this. She would end them. Her black eyes glinted with delight. She lifted her blackened hands to the sky and let the black lightning scream across the sky, crackling, burning everything it hit.

The portal will open. They will have their last battle. And she will end them all.

As was her destiny.

Copyright © All Rights Reserved 2020 to NeoNixButterfly21/Christine

Author's Note:

Thank you so much for reading up to this point. I am now working on Chapter 46. I am going to get this story finished this year. WHOO!


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