Chapter 12 - Edited

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The Moonstone Elite Pack

Six huge, bullet-proof black envoys drove down the road leading to the Silver Light Pack estate. The Alpha of the Moonstone Pack, Damon, was on the phone to his mother, Ludia, giving her his orders for the next few weeks via text. When it came to keeping the pack in check, the person who was the best suited to take his place was inevitably his mother.

Son, I have this. Do not worry. Just focus on the task at hand. X

Do not be nonchalant, Mother. The Pack needs to be on call if there is a need. I have the feeling that this battle won't be like any other.

I understand, Damon. Take care of yourself and your mate. She came with you to support you. Be nice.

Don't remind me. I am the one stuck with that woman.

You are still not convinced she is your true mate then.

No. I know she is not. 

What is it going to take for you to believe it?

Mother...I don't know how to describe it to you. But I feel like there is another woman out there waiting for me. It is strange to even say it in written form. There is another I know of that is for me, I just don't know the reasons why yet.

Vivienne is perfectly suited for you and she is more than worthy to become the next Luna of our pack.

Damon put his phone back in his jacket pocket, ignoring his mother's persistence that she was right about this. But he knew there was someone else. He hadn't told his mother about the dreams he had been having since he was a kid. He had never told anyone about those dreams. He felt as the Alpha of the elites he couldn't tell anyone what he was experiencing.

The dreams were still happening and every night when he went to sleep, he knew he was going to dream again about a girl standing in the middle of a war, with carnage all around her and blood dripping from her hands.

He shook his head slowly and looked out the window. His men were driving, so for right now he had a few moments peace, and could collect his thoughts. He knew he was strong and well equipped to handle the dangers they were facing.

He had recent reports about many weres being maimed, gutted or beheaded in different parts of the world with blood messages left out for his warriors to find. They were always too late to save the weres who were captured and tortured like animals before they were killed. To kill another were in their society meant that you would be executed yourself. It was a tragedy and there were many reasons why someone would go around killing other weres and he didn't like it.

Power was the biggest clue in these killings and blood messages. This Alpha werewolf wanted power over all of the other weres and would do anything to get it. It would seem that he would a kill the captured weres if he didn't get what he wanted in the end. For true power lay with numbers and respect, if not fear, to get what they wanted.

Damon knew that it would keep getting worse before it got better. But he couldn't anticipate how much worse it was going to be.

 "Alpha, we are coming up to the Silver Light Pack. It's just up ahead."

"Thank you, Greg."

Damon didn't know much about the Silver Light Pack only that they were known for their daughter and the accident she had as a child. But other than that, they weren't really noteworthy.

The Silver Light Pack's estate was expansive and the largest pack land in the area. They were on one hundred and eighty acres of land. The pack was thriving, and everyone was well looked after which was a huge tell on how their Alpha performed his duties. 

His One Powerful Mate (Rewriting)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ