Chapter 42 - Edited

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Nyx entered the three story country house just outside Washington DC in the dead of night. She could sense that the family within were many. She touched the photos that lined the walls of the staircase, running her finger slowly over it until she reached the top of the stairs.

Blackness oozed from her fingers and swallowed the happy family pictures up like candy. She grinned, showing flat teeth that turned into sharp needle points.

She opened the first door that was just off to the left of the stairs and saw two sets of bunk beds. She blew in dark smoke into the room and shut the door. She did the same to the other five doors and waited for the screams. Human voices turned to demonic keening and she smiled. The beings moved out of the rooms in heavy dense black smoke before whipping out of the front door. The last entity left a trail of black oil and as Nyx stepped over it she lit the house on fire. She walked down the porch steps before disappearing in a cloud of smoke.

The house burned well into the night leaving nothing but ashes. Nix hovered over the house going higher into the sky. Looking down she could see her shadows moving from one house to the next until at least twenty-five houses had been lit with a raging fire.

They would spread until they gathered enough souls to fight. For revenge. She would make them all pay. It would be the last thing any of them did. She would make sure of it.

Nyx watched as the shadows moved quickly over the land beneath her, darkening everything they touched and killing anything that got in their way.


Copyright © All Rights Reserved 2020 to NeoNixButterfly21/Christine

Hi there!

Sorry I haven't been updating as frequently and that this chapter is quite short. I have a plan on how to end this story but I just have to figure out how to write it. So I am a little bit blocked, you could say.

I started a Patreon if anyone is interested. There is a link in one of my "Updates" on my profile that is a link to a POV post for one of my characters. If your interested in supporting me there I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you for your patience and your continued support. 😁🙏🦋

His One Powerful Mate (Rewriting)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن