Chapter 36 - Edited

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Day One: Out at Sea

One large ship sat docked at the makeshift port at the seaside of Estonia. It had three stories, and was one hundred and forty-four feet long. Lamps were strewn across every corner of the ship lighting it up. The ship had three large and three small sails that were currently tied up ready to launch.

Ava climbed the wooden ramp to board the boat feeling the sturdy timber under her feet. Raoul led her to his quarters that was below deck on the second floor. It was a large room with a two door balcony, oval windows and a large king size bed bolted to the floor. The cabinets were bolted as well with safety locks on every one so that none of their belonging could fly out during a storm. Raoul put away their bags and went over to his mate, wrapping his arms around her from behind.

"It's going to be fine." He murmured, kissing the top of her head before stepping away to untie his boots.

"How could you possibly know that?"

Raoul locked his boots in the cupboard, swapping them for more comfortable slip on shoes.

"I haven't told you this but we sent word to my father that we are coming home. We gave him the simplified version of your story and he's made the people aware of what to expect. He is concerned that you will arrive too late before they can help you break the curse. There seems to be a time limit none of us were aware of. Nyx seems to have put one in place so she can "win" this war. Five hundred years ago it was a whole different story."

Ava grabbed her sweat pants, hoodie and walking into the ensuite bathroom to change and slipped on boots putting them on instead of her white chiffon dress and heals. It would keep her warm with the changing weather. She wasn't looking forward to this next step. This was a whole new territory for her. She didn't know what to expect. She hadn't dealt with a world like this. The fantasy was becoming more her reality. It wasn't something she would get to dream about now because this time it was real. Raoul's home world was a place where every mythical creature actually existed.

"Raoul, what's you world really like?"

Raoul looked at Ava grabbing her hand in his firmly and leading her out their cabin room door.

"My home is amazing. Creatures of every kind everywhere living in harmony. People from all walks of life living in these beautiful two story homes. Gardens full with flowers, the brightest sun you've ever seen and people thriving. Dreaming and magic go hand in hand. I don't know how to really describe it to you. It's just something you have to experience." He kissed her temple and led her down a long hallway with red carpet and gold lamp lights and white painted walls.

He led her into a large room. It had graduated seating and a large screen on the opposite side wall. It was a movie theatre.

"What is this?" Ava asked.

"A inbuilt movie theatre. A little bit of luxury we're bringing back with us. Any requests?" Raoul asked.

The auditorium started to slowly fill with werewolves, witches and fae who were carrying popcorn and drinks. It seemed like a real movie theatre back home, not that Ava had gone to one much.

Raoul pulled her over to a small sofa that had been saved for couples and sat down.

"We will choose a movie and enjoy ourselves a bit before we all go to bed. We won't be at our destination for a few days. So sit back and relax and try to not worry so much."

Ava laid back against Raoul as the screen started flickering and the lights turned down low.

The movie choice was The Princess Bride. And as the movie played, Ava's worry lessened and her eyes closed with the gentle sway of the ship on the ocean.

By the time the movie finished, Ava had fallen asleep. As the credits rolled, Raoul stood and lifted his mate into his arms, he walked back to their rooms. He laid her down and removed her boots before tucking her in.

Raoul took off his own shoes to get in beside his mate. They would spend four days at sea heading for the Arctic seas past Norway. When they finally reached the open seas that is when the magic would happen. He couldn't wait to show Ava everything. But for now they would all rest and enjoy the ride.

Copyright © All Rights Reserved 2020 to NeoNixButterfly21/Christine

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