Chapter 24 - Edited

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Ava sat, perched on a tree that was tall enough for her to look over the pack lands. She could see and hear Artemia on patrol and hunting any fair game that came across her path. She kept looking towards the tree were Ava was perched and howled periodically. They were both feeling the separation. Ava shuffled her feathers and moved her claws that ripped the branch she was perched on tightly.

How will this work? I am an owl perched in a tree.

You were always different, now it is just more noticeable.

Ava laughed. She agreed. She felt free after she let the grief in and then started to feel some joy  after realising she was her own person again. She could hear herself think.

What did your visions mean? Artemia asked. You saw that on your own. I didn't know where those images were coming from.

It wasn't a memory. Maybe a premonition of what's to come.

Only witches have premonitions. Artemia stated as she dug into a rabits den.

Humans can have them too.

Artemia quietened. The rabbit was not coming out to meet its death today. She growled and went on her way; her much larger body rubbed against the trees leaving imprints. Her paws were now the size of dinner plates.

It was blood on snow. I'm not sure if that is even significant or not.

Artemia stepped lightly across the forest floors and howled again. She was hungry, tired and most of all alone. She wanted things to go back to normal, but she knew they never would. Neither her or Ava would be accepted in their packs. Neither of them would have a home to go to after the war was over.

Ava shifted her weight on the branch and took off gliding down the forest of trees heading for Artemia. She circled above Artemia before she did a nose dive downward and shifted back into her body.

"It doesn't matter where we go after this. If we die, it would all be for naught. Let's concentrate on what must be done. We can find our place in the world after that."

Artemia rested her nose on Ava's head and let the air come snorting out ruffling her hair. The dress she wore looked like the soft colour of her wings. White with soft tips of grey that tapered off back into white again. Ava rested her hand on Artemia's neck and they walked together for a bit enjoying the silence.

They walked towards the pack house again at a slow pace. Listening to the sounds around them. In the distance they could hear screaming and yelling; the sounds of things smashing on the ground.

Ava and Artemia ran towards the chaos, their feet barely making any sounds. What they saw was enough to confuse and shock anyone, until they recognised the smells that were coming off the items.

They were clearing out Ava's things and throwing them onto the lawn.

Ava watched as her stuff; clothes, furniture and even her bed linen was being strewn all over the lawn. She could hear the packs joining in with laughter and name calling at the strange phenomenon that was occurring before them. Ava didn't care about that. What she did care about was that her parents seemed to be leading the charge.

Her mothers hair was wildly flying around her as she moved, dumping her daughters stuff all over the lawn, tears running down her face.

Her father was muttering under his breath trying to figure out what just happened. He couldn't protect her from what was happening and he couldn't protect his pack from his daughter's changes. Ava could see that they were only scared but this was the last straw. Her power unleashed before she could draw it in and everything stopped as the scene before her paused. 

Her mother looked crazed and her father was losing his faculties.

Ava lifted each werewolf and witch from the scene and put them far enough away that they would not be hurt. She looked through her things. She grabbed as much of her clean clothes that she could and put them in the suitcases they bought for her when she went on her class trip to Europe. She packed as many of the memories as she could, her laptop, phone and diaries she had over her young life and stuff them all into bags.

Her life fit in three suitcase, 2 backpacks and her favourite oversized handbag.

She upturned all the furniture and put them back onto the porched fully repaired and unpaused time.

She sent her items onward to one of her favourite hotels and waited for her family and pack to look at her.


Ava and Artemia both dissolved from view, leaving the pack without a second thought.

The packs cheered before finally dying down as they realised that they all just royally f*cked up.

Copyright © All Rights Reserved 2020 for NeoNixButterfly21/Christine 

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