"We gotta go to my locker next... You are awfully quiet this morning." Eren said.

"Oh uh yeah just nervous I guess." I said.

He chuckled and said "Don't be. Its ok. There's nothing to worry about." I knew he was trying to reassure me but it wasn't working.

I was still freaking out a little and was nervous. I didn't like the looks people were giving us. I just didn't ljke the attention.

Eren looked around and had noticed it. "Oh, I think I get it. You don't like unwanted attention from people. I don't blame you. But don't pay attention to them. Its just a new sight to see to them I guess. I'm happy with you. I wouldn't want it any other way. Are you happy with me?" He said as we arrived at his locker.

"Yes I am happy with you" I said a little louder than expected and looked right at him.

He stared at me and chuckled. I began to blush.

"You're adorable buttercup. See, you don't need to worry about anything. Its ok. If anyone gives you a hard time, whether it be about us or anything else, just let me know. I'll rough them up for you" He said jokingly and ruffled my hair.

I pushed his hand away chuckling a little as he continued to get his things out of his locker. He was also saying a few jokes which made me laugh and feel much better.

"Marco! Jean! Good morning! I don't ever see you guys in the morning." I said as I noticed both of them walking. I smiled to them.

"Y/N, Eren, good morning. You both seem to be in a good mood this morning." Marco said smiling. Jean just stood there. He looked at Eren, looked away and then looked irritated and walked away.

"Has he had a rough morning?" I asked Marco and I watched Jean walk away from us.

"Something like that. I'll catch up with you later Y/N! Have fun in class you two!" Marco said and he walked after Jean.

"I hope Jean is ok." I said to Eren.

"Eh he'll be fine. He'll come around. Anyway are you ready to head go class?" Eren said smiling to me.

I nodded and he held my hand and we walked to class.

When we walked in together I heard Sasha and Reiner gasp loudly. Might I add while staring at us.

"So it's true! You guys are dating! You guys are holding hands" Sasha yelled out way causing people to look her way and to look at me and Eren.

I started to get uncomfortable at the attention but Eren spoke up.

"Yeah. And your point?"

"Its unexpected. Marco had told us about it when we went to his house on Friday after what happened at the fair. Something about receiving a text from Jean that you guys were together. That kinda explains why you guys were glued at the hip when we were at the fair." Reiner said and laughed.

Then we heard murmurs around the class and began to feel uneasy again. Eren squeezed my hand and smiled at me. Then he followed me to my seat and sat in the seat Armin had been sitting in.

Both Mikasa and Armin walked in. "Hey guys they're dating now!" Sasha yelled to them and Reiner scolded her.

They both looked dumbfounded. Mikasa looked really unhappy and sent a very dark glare my way. Armin was shocked and looked to be in thought. They both took a seat by Reiner and Sasha and class began.

We had gone over what the topic for our next essay. Then the teacher had us brainstorming with a partner what we would potentially write about.

I worked with Eren and he was joking around pretty much the whole time we were supposed to be working.

When class ended we got our things together and walked out together.

Armin had walked out before we could meet up with him.

We got to my second period and said our goodbyes. Eren kissed my cheek and left. I smiled at the gesture and walked into class.

Historia asked me if it was true that we were dating and i confirmed it.

She expressed how happy She was for me and that she hoped Eren was genuine.

"If he pulls any thing, I'll have Ymir beat him up for you." She said while chuckling.

Today had been going good So far.

Eren walked ne to yoga. I saw Jean and he avoided me at all costs.

I wonder if something is going on with him. I hope he's ok.

I had also decided that after school I was going to tell Eren about what happened over the weekend at home.

Throughout the morning I had people asking me if it was true that me and Eren we're officially dating or if it was just a rumor.

I also had a girl say that I wasn't pretty enough for him. It hurt but people are entitled to their own opinion.

Eren and I met up before heading to lunch together.

"Hey buttercup. Ready to get food?" Eren said sounding a little excited.

"Yeah I'm ready. I'm getting pretty hungry." I said and he held our his hand to me.

We made our way to the lunchroom.

I'm enjoying this.

Minus the attention I've been receiving.

I'm having a lot of fun.

All A Joke (Eren X Reader) {Modern AU}Where stories live. Discover now