"You're here for your father, mi hermosa," he kissed my forehead, "That's all you need to focus on,"

I shrugged and took a deep breath in. All I wanted to know was that my father was okay. We walked through the lobby and I went over to the older lady sitting behind the desk at reception.

"Hi, I'm looking for my father. Oscar Avery,"

"Yes dear, let me have a look for you," she fixed her glasses and turned to her computer screen

I tapped my nails nervously on the counter.

"Isabella?" a deep voice said from behind me

I turned to see Smith walking through the hospital lobby. He had put on a bit more weight since the last time I saw him. His soft, kind face was rounded out and I was surprised by the full chrome beard he was now sporting. Camila was never someone who liked facial hair so I was surprised her husband had such a thick one. The bags under his blue-grey eyes gave away his clear lack of sleep but they were full of concern

"Smith, hi," I reached out and he pulled me in for a brief hug, "I got here as soon as I could. Is there any news?"

"They managed to stop the pain but he's not out of the woods yet. We're still waiting to hear from his doctor,"

Giovanni stepped beside me and extended his hand to Smith, "Hi, I'm Giovanni. Nice to meet you,"

Smith was taken back by Giovanni and looked over to me

"Oh sorry, Smith this is my boyfriend, Giovanni,"

He tried to hide his surprise and shook his hand, "Nice to meet you, Giovanni. I'm Smith - Isabella's sister's husband,"

Smith was kinder than my sister and mother combined so I wasn't sure how they were going to react to Giovanni. My mother was so convinced I was going to marry Nate and with the latest relationship updates from the last few weeks, I didn't think she was going to be prepared for me to have a new boyfriend. Especially one the complete opposite of what she would approve of. I didn't want to have to deal with that now though - I was here for my father and nothing more.

"I'll take you to his room," Smith said and led us down the corridor

Every hospital was the same. The piercing bright white lights shining down on you and the smell of disinfectant all around. I hated hospitals. They were too often filled with families riddled with uncertainty as they waited for news on their loved ones or families overcome by sadness over the loss of someone. It made my heart sore.

I stepped closer to Giovanni, "I don't know what's going to happen when you meet my mother and sister,"

He shrugged casually, "I'm here for you Isabella so whatever happens, I'll take it"

I tightened my hand around his as Smith turned us down the aisle marked "Cardiac ICU' and my family came into view. My mother and Camila were sitting side by side on the chairs against the wall across from the ICU doors.

"Isabella," Camila gasped and got to her feet

I let go of Giovanni's hand and went to greet my sister. Her brown eyes all puffy from crying. She threw her arms around me and a lump started to form in my throat, suddenly overcome by the emotions again. I had never seen my sister like this.

'It's good to see you, Bella," she whispered in my ear

"You too, Camila,"

My mother stood up and turned to face me. Gloria Avery had never looked older. My mother had always held a youthfulness to her face but the latest creases in her eyes and forehead started to give away her age. Her dark brown hair was cut short just below her chin. Her face remained unchanged - not a flicker of emotion in her light brown eyes.

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