Chapter 18

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*This story is on-going and changes will be made along the way.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it

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NB! Adult-content | Mature | Romance


"So what are your plans for today?" I asked him

It turned out his cooking skills were non-existent so we figured out a great system of him passing me ingredients while I made us some breakfast. I was standing in front of the stove frying the last of the eggs while Giovanni took a seat on the barstool by the kitchen counter.

"I've got a few meetings with some potential partners today," he explained, "We're actually looking to expand Mala Mía to other places in Spain,"

"That's great news!" I exclaimed, "Where are you guys looking at now?"

I boiled the kettle and then placed the eggs I was frying on his plate. It completed the already laid-out bacon, toast and mushrooms in front of him. He had quite the hangover so we were trying to rectify that with a greasy breakfast. 

"This looks amazing," he commented before continuing our previous conversation, "We're looking at a few places. Seville, Madrid but our focus, for now, is Valencia,"

"I've never been to any of those places. I've heard Seville is beautiful though,"

"They all are," he took another bite of his food, "You know, I never learned how you came to Barcelona. I've known Reyna for a few years now so I know you haven't been living here for very long,"

Just as I was about to answer, my phone started to ring. Saved by the bell. I was busy pouring the hot water into our mugs so I asked Giovanni to answer.

"Isabella's phone," he answered formally

I placed his mug in front of him and gestured for him to pass me the phone but he didn't.

"This is Giovanni. What can I do for you, Lorenzo?"

Oh no. I reached for the phone now but Giovanni jumped off the stool. He was clearly finding this entire situation amusing.

"I'll have to let Isabella know you called,"

"Giovanni!" I hissed

"Goodbye Lorenzo," he hung up, strolling back to the counter and sat on the barstool again, casually continuing his meal. "So that was Lorenzo,"

"Yes, I got that," I mumbled sarcastically, "Why didn't you let me speak to him?"

"And what could you possibly have to talk to him about?"

"Well, I wanted to see why he called,"

"He called because he wants you,"

"He doesn't want me,"

Giovanni snorted, "Don't be naive Isabella. I know Lorenzo and he always goes after what he wants which after that kiss last night, is you,"

I blushed. I was embarrassed by that and it was even worse that Giovanni watched it happen. I knew I wanted him to see but that was not the smartest decision I had made.

"Are you mad about the kiss?"

He shook his head and took a bite of his bacon, "I was but that's not going to happen again,"

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