25. Twoset Teachers V (Viola Vexation 2)

Start from the beginning


"Okay, so, now, Brett, do you know Edwina Chen in Year 10?"

"Yeah, tall, slender girl, blonde hair, right ? She seems like a nice girl."

"Yeah, she is kinda sweet."

"So... what's she got to do with this story..."

"Brad has a crush on her. I think the feelings are mutual."

"Hmm, well that's iNtErEsTiNg..!"

"And John decides to prank Brad, at Edwina's expense. See, Edwina only started violin this year, because of Brad. Yes, it's very cute, stop grinning!"

"What does Edwina play?"

"Third violin. We created a row of 'absolute beginners' that sit next to the violas. "

"Hmm I see. Okay.. and then what ?"

"Edwina was running late. This was her first rehearsal so she had no idea where to sit. Actually, she did later say that her violin tutor gave her advice that she'd be sitting between the 2nd Violins and Violas but I have a feeling this girl wouldn't have known what a viola looked like yet."

"Hmm point taken. "

"So John mouths to her to just sit in the vacant seat as he points at the chair."

"The concertmasters..? "

"Yeah and it was of course empty because Brad wasn't there. "

"Oh my god..so then what happened ? "

"It was just a string of unfortunate events... Brad was away, the concertmaster's seat was vacant, Edwina was running late and the usual conductor was also away. The usual guy, he's nice, knew all the kids by their names and was particularly kind to the beginners like Edwina – if he was the one there that day it wouldn't have been a big deal. But they had a substitute. This really cranky guy, apparently arrived in a foul mood for whatever reason. So the conductor stops everyone within 10 seconds of starting the piece and just ripped into Edwina, she cried and left. "

"That is disgusting. Poor girl. I mean, why weren't there any other teachers present??"

"There were. But not the musical ones."

"That sucks. And that bloody conductor!!"

"I know. Even some of the nicer kids who tried to explain what happened were told to zip it by this guy and I think he never got to know what really happened."

"So then what happened?"

"Edwina quit violin and orchestra. At the time I didn't know why she quit, I told her that it was a shame and that she'd be welcomed back anytime but I didn't push the issue. I later heard that Edwina told Brad that she quit cos she just got bored of it but Brad didn't buy it. I suppose I wouldn't have bought it either, man she was so excited and keen to learn violin. The rest of the strings in the orchestra were too scared of Brad to volunteer him what happened but then Brad started talking to all the first violins one by one till he finally found someone who dobbed in a ...violist.

"OMG a violist was the culprit !? Who is this sAcRiLeGiOuS boi!?"

"John Smith."

"....He's a violist!?!?!?"


"I see. And so the story goes... it connects back to what you told me before, with them fighting and all..."

"Yep. And no wonder Brad and his mum were so upset, right ? His scholarship may have been compromised...!"

Brett just couldn't help himself. He smirked.

"Yeah, all because of a violist..."

"Oh no, Brett, now is NOT the time to crack a viola joke."

"Awww, c'mon Eddy..!"

"No, don't. Please do not crack any viola jokes now."

"Oh Eddy, pleeeease"

"Shut your mouth or I swear I will pull your lower lip over your head, I can't take the stress at the moment."

"OK fine, be that way, man, you can be such a wet blanket sometimes."

"..Brett, I'm just sad y'know? I feel like kids go through so much these days. Was life this complicated when we were kids ?"

"Hmm.. maybe a different kind of complicated... but I love the way you care so much about the students, Eddy."

"Oh my god Brett."

"That wasn't a joke Eddy, I honestly think it's all this caring that's going to make you an awesome teacher."

A/N: This concludes the duology Viola Vexation in the Twoset Teachers series. Hope you enjoyed the story.

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