"Why would your ruffians dare speak about my son that way? Don't they have anything better to do in their free time? Tread carefully, ladies," Millicent seethed. Edith was still in her seat, spine ramrod straight, face molten red with anger as she nods in agreement as her daughter spoke. Hands planted on the table the younger Iverson woman was ready to defend her dear son no matter what. Probably she will do so even if she saw the video.

"At least our ruffians as you say aren't part of an amateur porn with his partner being of the same gender," Karen said calmly.

"HOW DARE YOU SAY SUCH LIES ABOUT MY SON!" Millicent yelled, now towering over the ladies. Enna and Marian continued to sip on their now lukewarm tea, with Karen sitting prim and proper in her perfect brunch outfit. Sandra Wilkes, the silent one of the group got her iPad from her large handbag and searched for the evidence they needed. The ladies never like the Iversons and only tolerated them. Countless times the women belittled them, humiliated them, and disrespected their families in the name of their background. Coming across such a treasure was the perfect tool to get back at them.
Sandra pushed the sleek device to the ladies and pressed play. The audio was suspiciously loud. Sexual groans and grunts reached Katie and Bryan's table and the other tables. Millicent's face went pale, Edith was clutching her pearls with a horrified look on her face. "No. This is fake. What have you done? Do you want my spot so bad on the ladies' community that you will stoop so low? This is my son's future you're trifling with," Millicent accused. 

"Come now. We may be devious but I doubt any type of camera trickery can make this video so realistic," Karen quipped.

'"Oh fuck, Shaun. I love you so much. Shit."

Derek's voice came out loud and strong, there was no mistaking that. "Off. Shut it off," Edith cried out desperately, trying to exit the video frantically. 

"You fucking old hags crossed the line in involving my son in your petty games," Millicent seethed. 

"This has been circling the internet since last night, little Millie. Instead of looking down on our kids who are enjoying their life, in their generation, you should have kept tabs on your son. I wonder how your prestigious family will fight this one. Maybe you will find out if he's gay or bisexual. Have a nice day ladies," Karen said steadily. They all got to their feet, looking down at the now pale and frail-looking ladies. In their eyes, you can see the disbelief and the plans they're probably making to clear their name. 
"We'll get the bill. Don't worry your little heads about that," Enna tittered. The four ladies left with their heads held high satisfied with what they accomplished. 

At the other table, Katie and Bryan held each other's shocked gaze. They wanted to move and make some calls but they were frozen by the multiple questions in their mind. 
"Check?" Bryan asked fumbling for his wallet.

"Definitely. Meet you by the car," Katie quickly said. Grabbing her bag, she speed-walked out of the restaurant, searching her bag for her phone. Finding the damn contraption she quickly dialed the first number she remembered offhand.

"Hey, you. When are we getting to see you?" the person answered.

"Probably when you guys finish school because I need info, stat," Katie hissed into the phone.

"Ohhhhhh. Did it reach the adults already? How did you find out?" It was Ayanna who she called. She can always depend on the girl for correct information.

"You won't believe me if I told you," Katie gushed, walking towards Bryan's jeep. 

"Then you need to tell me so I will know if I do," she retorted.

Katie laughed aloud, going into the jeep when she heard it unlocked. "The society mamas publicly shamed the Iversons moments ago with a very explicit video of their darling."
The cackle and the amused curse that came from Ayanna added to Katie's excitement. The little bookworm was turning into a bold butterfly. 
"No way. They actually viewed it to confirm it was Derek? Ewwww." Ayanna's comment upped her amusement.

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