AU Home invasion part 2

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Across town, completely unaware of the situation taking place at his home, Louis made his way back to his car after finishing up his conversation with his informant.

His mind reeling from what he had just learned.

It would seem this gang was no longer attempting to keep anything that quiet anymore. Dirty cops, dirty money, but Louis was pushing him for any information he might have on their dealings with human trafficking. And while this guy hadn't, he had given him a lead to a local brothel where the madam running it wasn't too happy with some of her own girls going missing. Jotting down the address they had parted ways shortly after that.

Louis had also made certain that he hadn't been followed. Feeling a surge of paranoia anytime he had walked into a public space all day.

He had a lot to think about. He was looking forward to getting home and wrapping himself around Harry. It was time he knew what he had been delving into and they would decide together how they should proceed.

Checking his phone, he sent off a quick text letting Harry know he was on his way home.

By the time he had arrived on the other side of town and found a place to park on the street, he found an anxious pit forming in his stomach when Harry hadn't texted him back.

Getting out of his car, he stared up at the light he could see shining from the balcony door and living room windows. Maybe, he had just fallen asleep, or left his phone at the bakery... again.

Making his way up the stairs, the feeling of disquiet grew in his stomach causing him to pull out his keys with one hand and drew his gun with the other. He honestly hoped Harry was asleep now so that he didn't freak him by barging in with his gun while he possibly just sat reading on the couch.

Placing the key in the lock, his gut was yelling at him as he realized the door was unlocked. Removing the keys from the lock and placing them back into his pocket, he braced himself, putting his ear to the door. Hearing nothing out of the ordinary, he took a breath and turned the knob.

Entering the apartment gun first, formerly trained by the police academy in the protocol for entering a highly charged situation with a level head, no amount of training could have made him ready for the situation that greeted him when he entered his apartment.

Books and dirt littered around the destruction of their coffee table. Blood staining their hardwood floors and couch in dark splotches. But this scene paled in comparison to the one that met his eyes in the small eating nook.

Harry, the love of his life, face bloody, eyes red rimmed and shining with tears. A cruel gag of duct tape wrapped around his head. And, a man who looked very familiar standing right next to him, a firm hand placed on Harry's shoulder. A smile spread across his face, breaking the silence that had fallen since Louis' arrival with a greeting, "Louis, it is so nice for you to finally join us. Please, come have a seat."

Still trying to process the reality of his current situation, Louis kept his stance planted firmly, gun now trained on the stranger in his home.

"Come on now, Louis. I think Harry and I would both like for you to lower the gun," the man emphasizing his point by removing the grip on Harry 's shoulder to grab the top of his head by his hair, pulling back to expose his neck and bringing his switchblade up to the beating pulse of his carotid artery.

A strangled whimper pulled from Harry at this sudden movement cut Louis deep causing him to slowly raise his arms up and place the gun on the side table beside Harry's keys.

Slowly making his way to the table, he took in more details of the scene around him. Fully cooked meal sat on the table, one of his favorites. The dried blood running down the side and front of Harry 's still exposed neck. The tracks running down the side of his neck darker than the one trailing down the front. The face of the man watching him walk over, looking so familiar.

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