A Smidge of Drama; A Little Bit of Fun

Start from the beginning

"- today's topic," Eric expressed as he faced the confused surgeon, "No, why?" Eric realized what her question was about. His eyes broadened as his mouth gaped. He let out a smirk but then formed a straight face, "No," He walked away.

"Wha - Eric?!"

"I don't do thanksgiving day, Arizona," Eric stated as Arizona followed him, "It's confrontational, as it is, stressful."

"Stressful and confro-" She halted, contemplating. She continued following Eric, "... quit being so freaking cynical!"

"I don't really get the whole "sharing everyone what you're thankful for" crap - Can I not be thankful right there at the exact moment it happened?"

"God... You - " She scoffed. She stopped Eric before he could walk away, "Come on, dude! It's our first thanksgiving with you. I promise it won't be stressful, or confrontational. We're just gonna eat dinner and enjoy each other's company."

Eric cringed at the statement, 'enjoy each other's company'. Arizona noticed it.

"Yeah, I know you can't enjoy being with humans - God... Don't be such a hardass."

Eric glared at her for a while before answering, "...a smidge of drama then I'm out."

"Sure. Whatever you say..." She squealed with delight, "...this is gonna be fun!"

"Yey!" he remarked with sarcasm, raising his hands, cheering, as his lips drawn into a line.

Emergency Room

Eric walked towards Callie as the nurses pointed him towards the ortho surgeon.

"You paged?"

"Yes," Callie gave the chart to Eric as she continued, "Guy fell down the stairs - might be burst fracture. Need to clear it before I treat his foot. Alex already left to get the x-ray results."

"Okay," Eric replied, scanning the chart.

Alex walked towards the nurses station before going towards Callie and Eric. Through the emergency bay, a blonde girl walked in. She stood behind Alex and asked, "Excuse me," Alex turned around as the girl continued, "I'm looking for Dr. Mark Sloan?"

Eric looked behind him as he heard Mark's name. He saw the blonde girl beside Alex. Eric gestured at Callie, pointing at the girl with his head, "Someone's looking for Mark?" Eric said as he stared at the girl.

Callie was too occupied at checking their patient, "What?" Eric looked at her, realizing she was too focused at the patient. He continued scanning the chart, gesturing at Alex to finish his conversation with the girl, as he stood there, holding the scans Eric needed.

"Dr. Karev?"

Alex nodded at Eric, turning back at the girl. Alex pointed towards the screaming patient while Mark treated his burn, "Um. You see the dude who was burned trying to deep fry a turkey?" the blonde looked where he was pointing at, "Sloan's the guy making him scream like a girl."

Callie and Eric heard what Alex said. The two chuckled.

"So mature," Eric uttered, implying Alex's statement.

"You're one to talk," Callie countered. Eric glared at her as she smiled, looking at the patient.

The blonde then walked towards Mark. She stopped as she called him.

"Dr. Sloan?"

"Yeah," Mark looked at her and stopped. His eyes widened, noticing the resemblance. His heart began beating faster. He felt cold. Mark hoped her next words wasn't what he's imagining right now, or his life will end right there.

Where We Might End Up - a Grey's Anatomy AUWhere stories live. Discover now