"Giovanni, what happened?"

He looked away, "I told her and she broke down as I knew she would. This is the second time now I've seen my mom become a broken woman,"

Poor Marcina. I went to pour him a glass of water. He downed the whole thing as I grabbed his other arm and pulled him to the couch. He didn't fight me - he followed me and dropped down. He was defeated. I sat next to him and ran my fingers through his hair.

"Talk to me," I whispered

"I hate my father," the sadness in his eyes turned to anger, "He broke my mother and he broke my family,"

"You don't hate-" I started to say but he interrupted me

"Yes, I do. I hate him. He's not a man," he spat, "You don't do that to your wife. And this is the second time. Joder,"

I took the glass from his hand and placed it on the table

"What's your mom going to do?"

"No idea. She said she needed to be alone to think about all this. I left her and I knew she was broken," he clenched his fists, "I fucking hate him for what he's done to her,"

I grabbed his hands and squeezed them, "Hey, you did the right thing by telling her. She deserved to know,"

He said nothing and stared straight ahead. His eyes were filled with anger and sadness and I wanted nothing more than to take his pain away. I hated seeing him like this. I hated that his father did this to him. I slowly rubbed my thumb against the bruise by his eyes.

He turned to me and his eyes softened, "How did you know I was here?"

"I didn't," I admitted, "I tried to call but you didn't answer so I thought I'd see if you were home,"

He leaned his head against my shoulder and I was glad I decided to come and find him. I didn't want him to be alone after today. No one should have to break that kind of news to their mother.

"I'm glad you're here,"

He pulled me to him and my lips met his. The strong taste of whiskey still lingered as I flicked my tongue across his. The urgency of his kiss increased as he pulled me onto his lap. I couldn't hold back the constant lingering tension between my legs anymore. Whenever he touched me or kissed me, my body came to life. I was always ready for him. I ran my fingers through his hair and rocked against his body. He groaned against my lips and my arousal increased. How did he always have this effect on me? It didn't matter the situation, my body was always ready for him. I pulled away from him

"Giovanni, I want to be there for you," I said softly, "Whatever you need,"

"I just need you," his eyes burned with desire, "I don't want to think about anything else right now. I just want to hear you screaming my name,"

I was flushed. He was never afraid of expressing what he wanted and we both knew he had the ability to push me off the edge every time.

"Don't you want me Isabella?" he whispered into my ear, his breath against me sending my body into a frenzy

"Of course," I breathed

"I need to know that you're mine," he looked up at me, the desire still burning in his eyes but there was something more now - a sense of longing I hadn't seen before

"I'm yours, Giovanni,"

"Only mine?"

He needed reassurance right now. His lingering but inevitable trust issues were being brought to light by the situation with his parents. I looked down at him. Oh, what a beautiful man he was.

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