However, it didn't last long as Jimin gets lifted up and thrown on the bed. He whoops with laughter as he lands on the bed. “You’re going to get us in trouble if we're late.”

“The only one in trouble here is you.” The Alpha says, as he quickly joined Jimin on the bed.


The flight was smooth from Mauritius to the hotel where the newlyweds are staying at.  The couple made it just in time to get prepared for Sungyeol’s engagement ceremony.

The five star hotel Mr. Yoo drove them too was extravagant to say the least.  With it’s burgundy wine colored plush carpet, golden door frames and the most extravagant chandelier Jimin had ever seen. The teardrop crystals extended to two floors.

It was quiet in the lobby save for the low chatter of the few patrons who were standing around. Jimin imagines it will look a lot different in a couple of hours from now. They were expecting a little over two thousand guests to attend. 

The couple accompanied by Mr. Yoo were greeted by a stranger, who quickly identified himself when Mr. Yoo stopped him before he could get remotely close to the couple.

"I am the wedding planner.” The medium built Beta with strawberry colored hair said. He was shorter than Jimin with tin colored pants and and a rather low slitted p“I was sent down to escort this Omega up to the sublime suite.” He said matter of factly.

Mr. Yoo was already on the phone confirming the Beta’s statement. And nodded to Jungkook as he spoke, "He’s okay, sir.”

“Wow,” Jimin said, looking over at Jungkook. “I didn’t expect us to be parting ways already.”

The wedding planner gave a sigh of frustration.“We have a lot of work to do.” The wedding planner interjected. “Please, right this way Mr. Jeon.” 

Jimin smiled sadly as he left the space beside his mate to follow the wedding planner. “I’ll see you in a little bit.” Jimin said, reassuring himself more than the Alpha.

“I doubt it.” The wedding planner interjected again. "You shouldve been more thoughtful and not have the bride worry if you would make it on time or not."

"Sungyeol was worried? I talked to her this very morning. I assured her we would be on time."

"She may have trust in you, but I don't. Anything could have happened and you would've been delayed. You are an intrical part of this ceremony. Just one slip up and everything would've been ruined."

"But it's not because I'm here." Jimin said, starting to thoroughly get irritated.

"This is not your day. Let's make it about Sungyeol please."

The wedding planner was a super sarcastic Beta and he was starting to get on Jimin’s nerves. 

This abo rubbed Jimin the wrong way.  Jimin didn't know if would be able to keep his mouth shut much longer, as he followed the Beta to his best friend and sister.

He didn’t have to look back to know Mr. Yoo was following them even though he had confirmed the Betas credentials.

It was a short elevator ride up. When the doors opened they were walking into a lavish suite. The room was alive with activity.

The Omega continued to follow the Beta until he saw Tae looking almost urethral in the colors of his house. His hair was longer than he remembered and it looked good on him. He ran to his best friend without so much as a thought. Embarrassing him by hugging him and spinning him around.

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