Immediately, Diane cut her eyes at Mr. Davidson. She figured this would come out but he was painting her to be an awful person.

" You honor my kids..."

" Specifically do you know about her 2010 arrest for a domestic abuse, drug possession, child endangerment and neglect?"

" You honor My kids are in the room" said loudly. " Please they don't need to hear this. If they can step out, I can explain everything" 


Diane was moving around quickly packing up some of Adrienne's things for her sleepover her close friend Chloe. Chloe was the daughter of Shuga, another dancer at Club Dynasty. Shuga was one of the first of the girls Diane met at Dynasty. As soon as they found out they both have kids, they started hanging around each other, sending their girls to the same babysitters and daycare. It was natural for their daughters to hit it off. 

" Mommy how come I can't spend the weekend with my daddy like Charity does with hers?"

" Your daddy is just busy baby. I'm working on it though. I promise."  

Diane zipped up Adrienne overnight bag and went over to the pouting six year old.  Adrienne was upset that she had to be sent away for the weekend because Diane had to work. She would love to spend time with her mother or father but they are too busy for her. Adrienne doesn't know what jealousy means but she did feel a type she did not like the fact that her baby sister has a daddy with grandparents who love and care for her while she had to borrow her friends Granny. 

" Mommy,  Where's your mommy and daddy?"

Diane stopped the small embrace and looked down at her. 

 Before Diane can tend to her pouting baby the door bell rung. She opened the door to see her work friend Shuga and Chloe. Immediately Chloe ran in to greet her pouting friend. 

" Hey Girl you ready to make this money? My mama already talking about taking the kids to Chuckee Cheeses tomorrow."

" Yeah I'm almost ready. I'm lagging a bit behind." Diane went over to the bag she was packing and began packing again. 

" I see" Shuga looked around Diane's small apartment. The apartment was decent but could be better with her having two men hanging from her tail. Shuga's eyes landed upon pile of clothes on the floor and couch then she looked over at the kitchen and noticed the dishes in the sink. Deciding to help her friend out she went into the kitchen to do so. She stopped when she noticed bills laid up on the counter. She couldn't help but noticed past due warnings. Diane makes decent money but for some reason with all the bills and the things the girls need is becoming to much. She wanted so desperately to get out of the projects and into a better neighborhood. She was doing well for herself up until now to be a young mother of two.

" Don't forget to put these on before bed you hear me?" Diane semi whispered to Adrienne trying to be as discreet as possible as she showed Adrienne a pack of pull ups. Adrienne has been wetting the bed ever since Charity was born. Diane thought it had to do with having to share her attention with her baby sister and believed she would grow out of it.

Later that evening after dropping the girls off, Diane and Shuga were at work at Dynasty. The two mostly worked separately dancing and stripping for men but when men wanted more they made sure that each other knew where the other one was and covered for them. Technically anything other than dancing is not allowed in the club, but with the private rooms so far in the back and the loud music, anything can go down. 

" Hey you see those guys over there?" Shuga said pointing to two men that Diane didn't recognize.

" Mhmm what about em" Diane was sipping on a drink she's been drinking. She had been off her game majority of the night. Honestly her mind was focused on how she was going to get Andre to come see Adrienne and maybe getting him to pay this months rent while she catches up on other bills.

" They want a private party with you."

" Just me? yeah no" Diane refused, downing the rest of her drink. She began to walk away but shuga stopped her.

" Annie come on. I know you need the money. I saw the past due bills." Shuga urged.

" Thats none of your business. I can take care of myself."

" Mmm not with the way your house looking." 

With that being said, Diane walked away without even acknowledging what Shuga had said. She wasn't about to entertain her. Believe it or not Diane knew what she was doing and she didn't anybody's help or approval. Diane knew exactly what to do to get what she wanted. It works every time. 


" Mmm look at your fine ass. Do a spin for me" Andre praised as he admired Diane's body. She was dressed simply in her skin tight booty shorts and  a white button up shirt that hung loosely exposing her bralet. One thing she knew about Andre he liked a tease. He would rather wait and find out what a woman looks like underneath their clothes then to have a woman having all their goods exposed.  

Diane gave a small giggle as she spinned around for him. " What can I do for you?" He said as started walking towards it pulling her towards it. 

" What you mean?" Diane teased. Instead of sitting on the couch next to him she decided to straddle him to give her some leverage.

" Oh it's like that?" Andre ain't no fool, he knew Diane was working him.

" I'm not going to front. I need some money."  Diane sighed. " Rent is due. I need pull ups..."

" Pull ups? Wrong baby daddy, Luv" Andre cut her off. He checked the time on his watch before looking at Diane.

" There not for Charity. Adrienne has been wetting the bed lately. I think it has everything to do with the environment we are living in. I've been saving a lot of money to get a house but I can't keep going into my savings every other week." Diane explained.

" What about that man you got coming in and out of your apartment? Charity's dad?  I don't see you asking him for money."  Andre got up from his seat making Diane fall off of him. He went over to the ashtray and picked up an already rolled joint. " You were making good money with the party shit yall were doing. What happened to that?"

Diane was a bit baffled by Andre's line of questioning. Usually they had there fun and she gets what she wants. That's how its always been.

" Andre our child is wetting the bed. She can't sleep through the night without waking up to a soiled sheets. and the first thing she says is I want my daddy."

" No that's not what you going to do. Your not going to come in here and blame me. If that was your concern then you should have started with that."

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Andre went to go open the door without hesitation and in walked in Shuga with her skimpish clothes. 

" The client isn't here yet." Andre told shuga. This made Diane roll her eyes at the irony.

" So you out here pimping with this bitch and you worried about how I make my money..."

" Who you callin a bitch with your broke ass" Shuga charged but Andre broke it up as soon as it got popping.

" If that's what we are on Andre. I bet I can make  more money in a weekend then this girl can in a week without even breaking a sweat. But I won't even go that far just give me a week with your Daughter" Diane said confidently. 

" Girl are you serious after you turned down those two men earlier. You don't have the guts. I was trying to help you earlier but I now I just see your delusional..."

" I'll show you delusional..."

" Shuga you can go now"


I'll post part 2 another time. Sorry for the delay. So much has happened in the last 3 months and this semester of classes was tough. I'm officially a senior now Yay.

Drama Of A Teen (completed, unedited)Where stories live. Discover now