"Okay. I will try to do it. If I made a mistake you can tell me. If I am not good, you scold me."

Kei frowns.
"What am I your teacher?"

Jeremy grins.
"You teach me how to love."

"Urgh." Kei rubs his goosebumps.
"So cheesy!"

Jeremy laughs.

Kei sighs.
"Since I allow you to court me. I see to it that I will be committed to it too. I will not accept others advances without telling you so you can rest assure. If we work out then...I will accept you as my boyfriend." Kei looks away blushing.

Jeremy smiles.
"Okay. I trust you."

"Loose mouth. How can trust be easily build!?" Kei glares at him.

"I just know that Kei will never wronged me."
Jeremy smiles.

Kei rolls his eyes.
"Even relatives stab each other. Don't talk nonsense. Words taht are too sweet are often just illusions and not real."

Jeremy was taken a back.
Seeing Kei's aggrieve look he smiles.
"Are you scared to believe it then be disappointed in the end?"

Kei nods.
"Of course. So do it with actions and not with words. If you really do it....I will reciprocate."

Jeremy felt so excited.
He wanted to hus Kei but he just got told not to be too touchy.

He smiles and walks near Kei.
"Can I hold your hand and kiss it?"

Kei blushes. He pushes Jeremy and run away.

"Idiot! Die!"

Jeremy can only laugh as Kei disappears.

Kei angrily walks inside the house.

Faye is in tears.
"You! You really...with..."

Kei looks away.
"He is pursuing me.so what?"

Faye angrily grabs his collar and shakes him.
"Urgh!!! Why you!?"

Kei slaps her hand away.
"He is gay so how could he likes you?"

Faye bites her hanky.
"I can't believe it! Maybe you voodoo him!"

"What voodoo?" Kei glares at her.

Faye snorts.
"If he is Gay then there are so many other gays out there who are 10 million times better than you! So it's so unlikely for him to like you."

Kei rolls his eyes.
"You accurately count them, how can I refute? Maybe I did feed him something."
He said and walks away.

Faye grabs him.
"Give me the formula!"

"Are you crazy?!"

Faye smiles
"You get Jeremy. I get Oliver or Ericson. It's win-win."

"I really don't know what's inside yoyr head. Do you fall in love with just everybody?"

Faye rolls her eyes.
"My heart is big! I can love, so I will give love!"

"Give your big heart in charity!" Kei walks away before Faye makes him stupid.

Faye shouted.
"Why are you so stingy!"

Kei sighs and walks inside his bedroom.
There are two kids that smiling happily at him.

The two shouted grabbing each of Kei's legs.

Kei sighs.
"What is making you two so excited?"

Asher grins.
"All afternoon you are so busy talking to different people and can't pay attention to us. Now. All your time belongs to us!"

Kei laughs.
"You do realize we are going to sleep right. What attention are you talking about?"

Jack shakes his head.
"Still, we will monopolize you!"

Kei snorts and flicks the two's forehead.
"Idiots. Change your clothes. We are going to bed."

"Kei will you read us a bedtime story?"
Jack asks.

Kei stares at them.
"With your age...you still read bedtime stories?" Kei laughs mocking the two kids.

Asher and Jack angrily kicks him.
"We are just asking!" Jack said.

"If you do we will listen relucatantly!" Asher said clenching his fist.

The two hides the bedtime story books they brought behind their back.

Kei snorts pretending he didn't see the books behind them.
"Good. Cause you two are big enough to sleep with out them."

The two angrily nods.
"Of course." The two look at each other.

"I never like bedtime stories. They are for kids." Asher said.

"Yeah. They are." Jack nods.

Kei rubs their heads.
"Mature kids are really impressive. Now go and wash up. Change clothes then we will sleep."

"Wash together?" Asher asks

"Sure." Kei nods.
The bathroom here is huge. One adult and two kids and there still more spaces.

The two happily take off their clothes and run  to the bathroom.

Kei collects the soiled clothes and the story book and put them away.

What story book?
Do you expect him to read story books with feelings?

Forget it.

"Kei hurry!" Asher shouted

"Coming. What are you two? Snakes? Just leave your clothes and be done with it?"
Kei shakes his head.

FOUL MOUTHED HALF BROTHER (Yaoi)(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now