The breaking hair, dry skin, and aching joints. They were the early signs of me using my power too much. If I wasn't careful, I'd be bearing the burden of the entire Pack's pain instead of only Mera's.

I wasn't strong like Mother. Not yet, at least. That was one burden I was yet to be able to shoulder.

I finished rubbing the warm coconut oil over my face and threw a faded white shirt over my grey sweats. The thing I loved the most about Werewolf culture was we never bothered dressing up. Sure, the Alpha King was coming today. But so what?

Odds were, my cousin was probably coming in grey sweats too.

Checking my list of things to do, I scribbled a reminder to talk to Pride at the top and folded it into a small square. Pocketing the piece of paper, I called for him and waited by the window. Not even a minute later and the white door opened to his haunting swampy eyes.

"Well," he chuckled. "I can't say I'm surprised. Figured you'd succumb to my charms sooner or later."

I rolled my eyes at his childish game and motioned him over. He pulled the wooden chair out from under my vanity and sat across from me. "I have a request."

"Most women tend to." His wide lips smirked as he unashamedly swept his hungry gaze over me. I remained poised and standing tall. His "charms", no surprise, only served to further disgust me. Not make me horny like he was probably hoping. "Let me guess, you wanna cuddle after?"

"No," I replied calmly. "I want you to stop fucking every she-wolf that crosses your path."

"Jealous much?"

Jealousy? I didn't know the meaning of the word.

"Annoyed is the word I think you're looking for." Pride leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms over his broad chest. It annoyed me that we were twinning with our lazy outfits and I was half tempted to change.


"Our Pack has lost enough and has enough to deal with," I reminded him. "You adding emotional trauma to this steaming pile of garbage isn't going to help anyone."


Pride rolled his eyes at my comment and I fought the overwhelming urge to strangle the life out of him. "Pride-"

"Sex helps people get over tragedy," Pride countered. Tilting his head in a jesting manner, the young Hybrid grinned wider. "As a matter of fact, I think you-"

"Pride!" The Gamma-to-be broke off into a heavy laugh at the sight of my flustered state and I bit my tongue in frustration. This was why we never discussed things alone. This was why I always needed Mera to keep the balance between us two. He never took things seriously when it came to me. I found it nearly impossible to move past his six year old tendencies!

Think, Venus.


Don't let him beat you.

Truth One: Pride was attractive.

I wanted to rip his face off most days and I thought he could use a personality transplant. But that was inconsequential to the matter at hand. Pride was attractive and he knew it. Which meant that was his greatest weapon.

His looks.

And boy had the Gods blessed him there. Women fawned over him because he checked off everything on their list physically.

Pride was over six feet tall and extremely muscular. His physique was so firm and toned that it was like punching a brick wall whenever I had to spar with him. He had good hair and girls liked that. It was short and brown with his mother's signature red peppered throughout. I also knew from first hand experience that it was very soft to the touch.

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