Massimo Bottura

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•Was born on September 30,1962

•In his later life, he pursued his passion and became an apprectice to French chef  Georges Coigny.

•He opened his own restaurant Osteria Francescana in Modena,Italy. In year 1995.

•His restaurant has been listed in the top 5 at the World's 50 Best Restaurants Awards since 2010.

•In 2016, Osteria Francescana his restaurant ranks #1 in The World's 50 Best Restaurants.

•That same year, he founded the non-profit organization "Food for Soul".

Here are Massimo Bottura quotes to encourage you/us to do what you love the most.

"Since I was a kid I was Massimo Bottura--I was escaping from my older brother under the table in the kitchen and from down there, where my grandmother was defending me, in the meantime, she was rolling pasta, I was looking at the world from another point of view. It's what we do in Osteria Franscescana everyday." -Massimo Bottura

"Success in life is about obsession." -Massimo Bottura

"So in another way in your mind you feel tradition is's so difficult to be creative with such a heavy heritage." -Massimo Bottura

"We're not choosing the art, the art is choosing us. The pieces are choosing the walls where they are hang." -Massimo Bottura

"Things have changed over the last ten years in gastronomy-- chefs don't close their kitchens to other chefs anymore. It's about sharing. We travel all over the world and share techniques, experinces and ideas with one another." -Massimo Bottura

"Where I come from, there are fast cars and slow food. It's where Ferrari, Mascati, Ducati, Lamborghini are all built. But also it's a place where they are grom balsamic vinegar, Parmigiano Reggiano, ham and mortadella. It's an incredible place, and I have a big responsibility to the region." -Massimo Bottura

"Not everyone can be a truffle. Most of us are potatoes. And a potato is a very good thing to be." -Massimo Bottura

"In Italy, there are certain customs you can't touch: the pope, the soccer team and the traditions. The rest? You can do whatever you want." -Massimo Bottura

"I tell young chefs to always have their feet on the ground... To travel with their eyes and ears open and absorb everything, but never forget who they are or where they come from." -Massimo Bottura

"Contemporary Italian is not cuisine of revolution, it's a cuisine of evolution." -Massimo Bottura

"You need a classic technique. You need to know everything, then forget everything." -Massimo Bottura

"It's not  just about my restaurant---it's about all the artisans. I take the spotlight, and I move it from me to them." -Massimo Bottura

"In the last 10 years in upper gastronomy, everything has changed. We're not behind closed doors anymore." -Massimo Bottura

"In my life, I always leave a room for the unexpected." -Massimo Bottura

"We have learned that there is so much energy around the table because sharing a meal is something incredible." -Massimo Bottura

"At Osteria Francescana, we always ask people: who are you? Then we ask them to show it through their work. I tell my cooks: tell me who you are in edible bites." -Massimo Bottura

"Does it bother the French that the Italians have better truffles?" -Massimo Bottura

"In Italy a generation of young chefs who don't have this dream of the future, so we have to feed them the future." -Massimo Bottura

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