9. Will it ever happen?

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Next thing she know, she was face to face with him, their bodies touching.
"Wha... what are you doing," she said softly.
"Shhh... don't talk," he said putting a finger on her lips.

He could hear her heart beat faster and faster by the minute. Looking into her yes brought back memories from last time he was this close to her. He moved a strand of hair out of her face. His face came closer to hers, their lips eventually touching. Everything turned blurry. The noise in the background slowly faded away as their tongues moved into each other's mouth. Standing there kissing her, their bodies touching made him question himself how he could ever leave her. Their tongues were soon fighting a never ending battle. Slowly he pulled away from the kiss looking deep into her eyes.
"I want you," Before Meredith could wrap her head around to what he has just said, his tongue was down her throat making her whole body tremble.
She began to run her fingers through his soft, perfect hair as he picked her up by the waist and laid her down on the bed. He reached under her shirt to find her bra clasp to undo it, which sent shivers down her spine. She was kissing his neck as he was taking off her shirt. They stopped for a minute to gaze into each other's eyes. They both smiled at each other thinking about the time they were together and happy. She cupped his face pulling him back into a kiss.


"Just ignore it," Derek said kissing her neck as he was working his way down to her breasts. He reached her scrub pants and as he was about to pull the elastic bands the pager went off again. Meredith sat up immediately. "I have to take this. I'm an intern, I'll get in trouble if I ignore them."
She was putting on her scrub top on when Derek pulled her by the waist. They could feel the tension between their bodies as the leaned into long, hot, wet kiss
"Derek I really have to go," she pulled away.
"Alright fine, but we're not done here," he said giving her a smile. She returned that smile and rushed to the ER.

"Grey what took you so long?" shouted Bailey as she saw Meredith running beside her.
"Sorry, I was caught up in...."
"I don't care what you were up too. If I page you, you run," she interrupted her.

The ambulance arrived and the paramedics were already opening the doors.
"What do we got?" Bailey asked as she was running towards the patient.
"Amie Summers, 8 years old. Fell while she was swinging on the monkey bars. She passed out and says her head and stomach hurts," answered one of the paramedics.
"Aright O'Malley, Grey take her to head CT." And so they got right to it.

10 minutes later the scans were up.
"Ahh... that's what caused her to pass out," Derek said pointing to the monitor. "See that there?" Meredith and George leaned in closer to see the monitor. "Aneurysm."
"That caused her to pass out? You can hardly see it. The scans could hardly pick it up!" George said trying to figure how that could've made her pass out.
"Yeah well it did. She could've gone on with her life without it being a problem, but one wrong fall on the head and it could've killed her.
Prep an OR, were clipping that today." And like that he left the room.

3 hours later

"So how do you feel?" Derek asked coming in to the girls room.
"My head really hurts."
"That's normal. It'll get better overtime trust me," he said going to the end of her bed checking her chart.
"Uhm Dr Shepherd?" the little girls mum took a step closer to him. "She keeps complaining about stomach pain. Does that have anything to do with the surgery?" Derek looked up confused.
"It shouldn't hurt. I'll page Dr Robbins, she's our Paediatric surgeon and she'll tell you what's wrong," he smiled and left the room.

"Hi I'm Dr Robbins. What seems to be the problem?" Arizona came in with her perky attitude.
"Our daughter keeps complaining about her stomach hurting." Arizona went over to the littler girl. "Could you lift your gown up for me please, so I can examine your stomach?" The little girl agreed and pulled her gown up. She pushed the bottom of her stomach. It was indeed rigid.
"I'll be right back I just have to get an ultrasound machine," she smiled and left the room. Minutes later she came back with the machine.
"Okay Amie I'm going to put this gel on your stomach, it's going to be a bit cold so don't get scared." Amie nodded and let her put the gel on.
"Ah see, there's a small tear in her intestine. I should easily go in and fix it without any trouble."
"All that because she feel from the monkey bars?" asked the dad worried.
"It's rare but it happens. But I'm the best at what I do in this hospital. So don't worry," she said and packed the ultrasound away.

"Grey," Arizona said going out of the room. "You'll be scrubbing in with me. Prep her for surgery."
"But she just got out of brain surgery, are you sure you want her too go into surgery right away."
"You're right. Be here at 8 in the morning sharp. Don't be late!" And she left going to the nurses station.

"So you want to finish our previous activities?" Derek asked as he came around Meredith.
"I can't I'm stuck doing scut."
"Oh come one just a quicky. Please." he begged in a cute voice as he pushed his lower lips out. Meredith just couldn't stop herself from giggling.
"Derek I can't. Besides the thing that happened between us was wrong. We both just went through a break up and we we're vulnerable. The only reason we... you know did it," she whispered. "...is because it feels like we were unfinished but it's not like we both still have feelings for each other, right?" Derek was hurt. Of course he still had feelings for her. He didn't move until he realised he was still in this situation. He shook his head and let out a small chuckle in pain. "Yeah...ughm," he cleared his throat. "You're right, my bad." Just like that he walked away.

Why in the world did she say that. Why couldn't she let herself be happy. She still wasn't over him and now she just ruined any chance with him.
"Is everything okay Dr Grey?" asked the nurse standing beside her. Meredith didn't realise she was still standing there staring into nothing as a tear left her eye.
"Wh... sorry, what?"
"You're crying Dr Grey," Meredith wiped the tear away and walked away not looking back at the nurse.

So close. Maybe next chapter they'll actually get together. ;)

To Love You Even When I Hate YouOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz