11. We're cool

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Meredith ignored Cristinas rude comment and went back to check on Derek.

Meredith woke up the next morning lying beside Derek. She smiled thinking about their kiss yesterday.
She stayed there listening to his breathing. How peaceful he looks, she thought to herself. Meredith scooted up a bit and gave him a soft kiss on his cheek, trying not to wake him up, and tried to slide out from under him to get back to work. The light sleeper that he was he pulled her in tighter and kissed her on the forehead.
"Good morning," he said in a morning voice with his eyes still closed.
"Morning," she smiled. "I'm sorry I woke you up."
"Are you kidding? I love waking up like this. You can wake me up anytime," he said kissing her softly on the lips.
"I have to get back to work. I'll come see you later," she said trying to get up from the bed.
"No, just stay with me for a while. Five more minutes," Derek pulled her in closer.
"Fine but just five minutes, no more," Derek smiled to himself, feeling pleased.

"What happened, you didn't come home tonight," Izzy asked worried as she was changing into her scrubs.
"I fell asleep beside Derek," Izzy stopped dressing and turned to Mer.
"So the rumours are true? You guys are finally... a couple?" she started smiling. Meredith bit her lip and nodded, "Aha."
"Oh my god... Finally, you guys came to your senses," she jumped up and hugged Meredith. Meredith returned the hugged, a bit shocked at what just happened. "I'm really happy for you Mer," and continued to change. Meredith went to her locker and changed into her scrubs since she slept in her street clothes.

"Okay, Grey you're with Dr Montgomery, Karev you're with Dr Burke, Stevens pit, O'Malley your with Koracick and Yang you're with Dr Robbins."

"Oh come one. She's doing this deliberately," Cristina said walking towards Meredith on the way out.
"Doing what deliberately?" Meredith was confused.
"Deliberately not putting me on Burke's service. You know she's taking away my chance to learn."
"Oh don't be ridiculous, I'm sure she didn't do it on purpose," Meredith rolled her eyes and went to find Addison.
"Easy for you to say," Cristina shouted after her. What did she mean by that, Meredith thought to herself. She shook her head and decided to ignore her comment.

"Dr Grey! How nice of you to join us," Meredith walked into the patients room.
"So sorry for being late Dr Montgomery I was j..."
"Don't need your excuses just inform me about the patient," Addison cut into her sentence.
"Uh... ohk okay right sorry. Anna Kirk, 30 years old. 28 weeks pregnant with twins. One of them is... oh my god," Meredith shouted out by accident when she was reading the chart.
"Dr Grey!" Addison turned her head looking at her angry.
"Oh my...." she realised what she just said. " I am so sorry I didn't mean to..."
"Just continue, stop explaining yourself."
"Right, 28 weeks pregnant with one of the twins heart growing outside its body."
"Will you be able to operate on her?" asked the patient worrying about her babies safety.
"Lucky for you I'm one of the best doctors for this job. There will be some complications..." and Addison started to explain how she's going to do the procedure.

"Thank you Dr Montgomery," said the patient as she finished explaining.
"Dr Grey may I talk to you outside," she said pointing out to the doorway.
"Yes ma'am," said Meredith keeping her head low.
"I don't know what just went through your mind in there and quite frankly I don't care. But if you think you can't behave I don't want you on my service."
"I'm so sorry Dr Montgomery, it won't happen again," Meredith promised her.
"It better not," just like that she left to do her business. Meredith did the same thing except she made a detour to see Derek.

She knocked on the door that was wide open before she went in. Derek was staring out the window lost in his own thoughts.
"Hey. Am I coming in at a wrong time?"
"You could never come at a wrong time," he smiled as he sat up straight. "How's your day going?"
"Ugh," she gave out loud sigh.
"That bad huh?"
"Well I should be really excited cause I'll get to scrub in on a surgery where the baby's heart is growing outside it's body, but I'm on Addisons service and she already hates me as it is.
"But that shouldn't have to do anything with work."
"Yeah... it also might have to do with the fact that I was late and then had this huge reaction when I was reading the patients chart. And now she has more reasons to hate me," she moped.
"Oh come on I'm sure she doesn't hate you," he said reassuring her.
"Oh yeah she does, I'd be dead by now if looks could kill." Derek started laughing.
"Don't laugh, it's true," she tried to sound serious but just couldn't keep her laughter in. She got a bit mad at him so she picked up a pillow and started hitting him gently. He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her on the bed as he started to tickle her.
"Okay okay, hahaha, okay Derek, hahaha, I'll stop, hahaha, please.... stop." The giggles slowly faded away. Meredith was laying on top of him staring into those ocean blue eyes.
"I love you," she blurted out.
"I love you too," he replied giving her a kiss on the lips.

"I am terribly sorry to interrupt your make out session but I have to check on Dr Shepherd," Alex came through the door.
"I'll see you tonight?" asked Meredith, standing up from the bed.
"See you tonight."
Meredith let go of his hand and walked out of his room with a huge grin on her face.

"Look at you being all perky," Izzy walked over to her. "I'm guessing you just went to see Derek?"
"Yes I did," she smiled.

"So do you have any good surgeries?"
"I get to scrub in with Addison on the twins."
"Oh my gosh no way," Izzy turned and stopped in front of her. "Why aren't you more excited?"
"Because she hates me," Meredith pushed her aside and walked on.
"I'm sure she doesn't hate you."
"Oh she does. If I'm not careful she might scratch my eyes out."

"Who will scratch your eyes out Dr Grey?" Addison came from behind them.
"Oh, uh no one Dr Montgomery," Meredith and Izzy jumped aside hoping she won't question them more.
"Are you scared of me Dr Grey," Addison looked up from her paperwork and took her glasses off.
"No." "She is." Meredith and Izzy answered the same time.
Meredith elbowed her a gently on the side for ratting her out.
Addison looked them both up and down "Uh ha," until she walked away. "I'll see you in the OR Dr Grey." she shouted
"See you there Dr Montgomery," she shouted after her.
"Wow she really does hate you,"
"I told you," Meredith cocked her head to the side and went to grab something to eat.

After the surgery
"Dr Grey do we have a problem?" She said washing her hands.
"No ma'am," Meredith shook her head trying not to say anything bad.
"Okay please stop calling me ma'am it makes me feel old."
"Sorry," Meredith turned her head and continued washing her hands.
"You know I feel like you're avoiding any kind of conversation with me, did I do something?"
"Oh not at all. It's actually the opposite."
"The opposite?" Meredith nodded as an answer to her question. "How is it opposite?"
"I feel like you hate me for something I did."
"You think I hate you," Addison laughed. "What gave you that idea?"
"Are you asking me as Addison or my boss?"
"Uhm Addison?"
"The whole Derek thing and the incident this morning," she said with a shaky voice, afraid of what will come next.
Addison tried to hold it back but just couldn't help herself. She bursted out in a small giggle until she could talk again.
"That's why you thought I hated you? Oh Meredith our marriage was wrecked long before you came along," Meredith gave her a soft smile.
"So you don't hate me?"
"I never hated you. I might've disliked you when we first met but I never hated you. Come here." Addison came closer and gave her a hug. "So are we cool?"
"Yeah, we're cool," Meredith smiled.
"Great." And she left the room.

What in the world happened here? Meredith thought. Did she just hug Addison? If not first, then second most strangest thing that has ever happened to her. She went out of the scrub room to tell Derek what just happened to her.

"You'll never guess what just happened to me," she came barging into his room, not even noticing who's in the room. Before she could continue she saw Addison in the room.
"Oh. Dr Montgomery, sorry didn't know you were in here." She was about to leave the room before she turned around. "Wait why are you in here?"
"I'm talking to Derek," she answered like it's the most obvious thing ever.
"Yeah, ugkhm, I see that. Don't take this the wrong way but why are you talking to Derek?"
"Thought I'd catch him up to our previous conversation." Meredith looked at Derek who had a huge grin on his face knowing that the girls are finally getting on.
"Uhm okay? Well then I'll leave you two, to it." And on that note she left the room.

"Quite the girlfriend you got there," she said once Meredith left the room.
Yeah..." he answered in a dreamy voice looking at the doorway Meredith went through.
"Well I should get going. The patients family is waiting for me, bye Derek."
"Bye Addi," he waved his hands and she left the room.

I know this is quite boring but I have to build it up somehow so the story can go on for longer. I might actually bring in new relationships. Tell me what you think

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